Crossing Shots [Large Screens]


New member
Since my Bridge shots thread took off like a flippin' rocket, I decided to start a new thread. Post your Crossing shots. At first, my intent on this topic was to have it from the Engineer's point of view, from in the cab, but why limit to that? Get creative! Go! Now!

I'll start us off:

I climbed behind the controls of my rear-facing Winnipesaukee Scenic S4, and came to the crossing. I sounded the horn (long, long, short, long) and continued across:


you are so evil you beat me to this thread!!!!!!!!!!
here ya go!




this one dont look it but in the back ground you can see a road i forgot to press prt scrn.
Compudoc i love the way you used teo types of roads and simply just layed the track over it.
Grogstop where on earth did you get that NYC loco i never seen anything like it before.