Creating Consists


New member
Can you create a consist and add it to a new route or do you
have to recreate it everytime you have a new route.
I think that is clear.
Once you've added a conist to a route, save it and name it. It will be a session for that route. You only have to do this once, since, everytime you select that session the consist will be there.

So I can't use that consist in another route....I have to create a session with that consists...
e.g. I often use the Transcontinental [cnr] for my passenger runs but
I don't want to recreate it ever new session....Is there no way to copy it
once its created????
If you set a consist in Surveyor and then save it using the "get consist" tool in the bottom tool pallete, it can be placed on any route by simply scrolling down the list of consists and selecting it.

After creating your consist, click save and give it a name. Thereafter you can access it in consist mode (F7, C). Check your manual. TRS2004 World Builders Guide or TRS2006 Manual. Consist Mode is described under Train Management Tools.

I'm also having a problem here.

Once I create a consist of cars on an open length of track, can't find a option to save that as a NEW consist. Only a Rename or a Delete option.

The above reply did not seem to explane how to SAVE my consist. I've looked in the 04 World Builder guide, but it does seem to address this either ( or at least not clear enough for me to see it).
You use the get consist tool (its under the consists tab and looks like every other get tool), it will ask you to enter a name for the consist.

Couldn't be any simpler.

After you select 'Get Consist' tool (or press G) then left mouse click the consist for a popup window to name and save it.

...saving loaded consist?...

:cool: I saved a mixed freight of 60 cars, with several cars alike together.

This was after I loaded the consist.

In another route, I added the consist, however it was all empty cars.

Is there any way to save a loaded consist?
A consist will be in the state it was when you created it. If you want a loaded consist, make one up using loaded versions of the cars and save it. Many cars, especially hoppers, come in 2 versions-loaded and empty. If you can't find loaded versions of the cars you want use you can use CMP to clone the desired cars and edit the config.txt file to make them pre-loaded.

Where is the consist information saved??
In the config.txt of the session?????
If so can they be added by hand [editing the config.txt]?
I do think a "save consist" tool would be simpler :D


Always one smart alec. :p

In essence that's exactly what the 'Get consist' tool is. I honestly can't see why people are having so mcu difficulty - sorry if I offend.

Use the get consist tool to select a consist you have placed on track, it will ask you for a name and once entered you have saved that consist!

tsgint: you could feasibly add a consist manually like this but not create consists like this since a conists once created are available in surveyor for all sessions. But the real question is why you would wish to do that when the get consist tool is so easy to use!??!?!?!?

The list of traincars for a session are stored in the session config.txt file but there placement info is in the accompanying profile.dat binary file. You can only add or delete consist elements while n Surveyor.


My question arises from trying to repair 2004 for 2006. My understanding is that under 2006 Scenerios are kind:activity and Sessions are kind:Profile. Sessions are the ones you make and edit in Surveyor and Scenarios are the ones that you make with scripts [tks Moojgoo] but
That is true for TRS2004. For TRS2006 the TRS2004 type scenarios are mostly busted and can't be run. [tks rweber95] He directs me to SCS2006 to create/edit scenarios in 2006.
As to why add a consists in config file: well to repair 2004 scenerarios where consits, scriptclass, and scriptlibrary are referenced....[seems a shame to leave all those nice 2004 scenerios behind - surely they can be repaired.]
One possible approach to try:
* create the consists in Surveyor, calling it the same name as in the scenario/activity and deleteing the consists section of the 2004 config file. But how do you deal with the scripting that has been done.
* recreate the scenario/activity with scs2006 referencing the scripting that has been done???? [I don't know scs so I can't say if this is viable]
before I spend hours pursuing non-viable solutions or doing some programing I'm checking to see which one [or some other] will work.
[Tks Andy - hope that somewhat answers your question].
Reading the forum I know I'm not the only one facing this but I'm prepared to make a stab at solving it.
I found a way to add Consists

Many of the old routes have consists in them....not acceptable to TRS2006.
I could not face going into Surveyor and manually creating them....The thought of looking up kuids for names was just too daunting.
******I've found a way to add to the consists list*****
Browse to the TRS20006\Settings and find the surveyorconsists.txt
Copy it to surveyorconsists.bak Just in case.
Open the text file in editor....It should have entries looking like this:
train-24 {
name "CP RDC 2 Unit"
list {
car-0 <kuid2:58843:159:1>
dir-0 1
car-1 <kuid2:58843:159:1>
dir-1 1
note: this is one I've added.
move to the bottom of the file
add the new entry
and save the edited surveyorconsists.txt
Now the secrect.....
Delete the assets.tdx from the TRS2006 directory and open CMP...
It then rebuilds the assets database and it appears to use the
surveyorconsists.txt to add it to the surveyor.
After it is trs2006 surveyor, start a new route/session
add a consist and Voila...there is the new consist in the list.
Now I'll have to write a program to convert the old consistlists in the config.txt to this new way. Then I hunch all I'll have to do is open the session to correct, editing the config.txt to delete that section and then open it in surveyor and add the consists at the appropriate places.
Manual way.....cut and copy one of the longer entries from surveyorconsists.txt and paste it into a new text file called consiststemplate.txt. Open cmp and view the config.txt of the offending session. Copy the required kuids from the config to the template.
When finished save the template.txt to a newconsists.txt.
Open the surveyorconsists.txt and copy/paste from one to the other.
Save/close everything/delete assets.tdx as above and let the cmp rebuild the assets.
If things get too much work, I'll write a program to do all this.
Hope this helps someone.
******I've found a way to add to the consists list*****
Browse to the TRS20006\Settings and find the surveyorconsists.txt
Copy it to surveyorconsists.bak Just in case....

This is nothing new, however I would be interested to know what would be gained by creating consists in this way. Surely it is quicker to add cars to the track and save them, than it is to create a new entry in the surveyorconsists file, search for an item, find the kuid, copy it across, type up entries defining the number and direction of each car, save and then wait half an hour for trainz to rebuild the database?

Or am I missing something here?


I'm working with lists of kuid's from older session/scenerios. Creating a consists would require
1. looking up the description of the kuid
and then
2. finding the object in surveyor to create the consist.
This approach limits the activity to simply cutting/pasting -
for me a quick way to create a consist.
3. opening the old session and adding the consists.
I don't have to search for the item and find the kuid.
If I was creating a new consist of my own I would then choose those
cars that I want....but having to search/find someone else's is tedious.
p.s. I also avoid having to learn scs at this time.