My question arises from trying to repair 2004 for 2006. My understanding is that under 2006 Scenerios are kind:activity and Sessions are kind

rofile. Sessions are the ones you make and edit in Surveyor and Scenarios are the ones that you make with scripts [tks Moojgoo] but
That is true for TRS2004. For TRS2006 the TRS2004 type scenarios are mostly busted and can't be run. [tks rweber95] He directs me to SCS2006 to create/edit scenarios in 2006.
As to why add a consists in config file: well to repair 2004 scenerarios where consits, scriptclass, and scriptlibrary are referenced....[seems a shame to leave all those nice 2004 scenerios behind - surely they can be repaired.]
One possible approach to try:
* create the consists in Surveyor, calling it the same name as in the scenario/activity and deleteing the consists section of the 2004 config file. But how do you deal with the scripting that has been done.
* recreate the scenario/activity with scs2006 referencing the scripting that has been done???? [I don't know scs so I can't say if this is viable]
before I spend hours pursuing non-viable solutions or doing some programing I'm checking to see which one [or some other] will work.
[Tks Andy - hope that somewhat answers your question].
Reading the forum I know I'm not the only one facing this but I'm prepared to make a stab at solving it.