

New member
Hello all trainz fans,I have a really big problem,everytime i try to load trainz it's starts up with the Auran symbol then freezes,i'm not sure what to do i dont want to uninstall the game and then install again as i have loads of extra stuff that i have downloaded(Freeware & Payware) any solutions as i wana play the game but can't sob sob.:'(
Try going to the program file and deleting "assets.tdx". Launch CMP and let it rebuild the Trainz Asset Database. :wave:

Good luck!
Hello all trainz fans,I have a really big problem,everytime i try to load trainz it's starts up with the Auran symbol then freezes,i'm not sure what to do i dont want to uninstall the game and then install again as i have loads of extra stuff that i have downloaded(Freeware & Payware) any solutions as i wana play the game but can't sob sob.:'(
Try entering -intro=disable in trainzoptions...:cool:
Ok i will try those things,also my cmp won't load as well it comes up (please wait applying filter)and stays like that forever.
Re; your problems !!!

After deleting assets.tdx don't forget to also delete the asset.bku file that resides in; TRS2006\Cashe folder.
Then restart CMP and that should rebuild your assets/contents data base. Note; depending on how much contents you have downloaded in the past, this could take awhile, so be patient.
Cheers, Mac :o
yes ok, will it do all that automatically when i start up cmp.

Yes, it will.

A handy way to monitor this is to press CTRL + ALT + DELETE, and go to the processes tab on the resultant window. Scroll down the list until you find either Content Manager.exe OR Launcher.exe, and watch the memory figure in the right-hand column. If this is going up, then it is rebuilding. If not, and the processor usage is stuck at 50% or 100% (depends on how many cores you have), then it is not working, kill it by pressing DELETE over it, and start again.

Sorry if any of this is obvious.
