Could you all shed a little light.

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New member
Hey guys.
I've been looking into getting this game, but i've gotten a bit confused.

All of the different types make me wonder what's got what features.
I'm assuming Trainz 2006 has the surveyor, driver mode, and maybe the paint shop? I wiki'd it so i'm not 100% on that.
Also, what is "Classic Trainz". I thought of ordering 2006, but i wasn't sure if i should just hold out for CT or not. Thanks for any help.
This game looks amazing.
Also, any good sites to look for some good North American locomotives? Free is good! :)
I would suggest you buy TRS06, then buy a Trainz Classics that tickles your fancy. From what I've read (Don't quote me on this) TC doesn't have any of the content that was in TRS06, which would mean that you wouldn't be able to use a lot of the routes. Using CMP, which is part of TRS2006 and TC, you can import the old 'legacy' content over to TC. This is all from what I've heard though.
As you're in the USA, it might be worth a search on and for trainz, not just for prices but also for feature listings. Ignore the negative reviews from kiddies wanting shoot-em-up games though.

Avoid the original first version of Trainz and UTC (Ultimate Trainz Collection) which was the second version. They are well out of date. Also avoid Trainz Driver which is an inexpensive severely cut-down demo version.

Opinion around here is strongly divided as to whether TRS2006 is better or worse than TRS2004. It's a very sensitive issue.

Trainz Classics (to be called Trainz Railways in Britain) is due out soon. It could well be worth waiting to see what everyone thinks of it once it's released.

HTH, John
Being that Trainz Classics is coming out people would make stuff for it.

So i say you need TRS2006. And hold out on Trainz Classics.
I have 06 and 04. I don't even have 2006 loaded on my computer because the CMP is just too unpredictable; however, some people seem to have no problem with it at all. I would say that you couldn't really go wrong with 04 or 06. The jury is still out on TC since it's not even released yet.
SP1 = Service Pack 1.

Service packs can be downloaded free of charge. They're large files.

For TRS2004, upgrade it to its SP4 if it isn't already at that level. For TRS2006, upgrade it to its SP1.

Be careful to download and install the service pack which updates from your copy's current precise build number to SP4 or SP1 respectively.

Be careful to follow the service pack installation instructions very precisely, otherwise problems will definitely occur.

I'd get '06 as mentioned above if I were you because you can use most all '04 content. That's what I did a few weeks ago.
Thanks guys.
Ok, one more little thing.
I plan on ordering this tonight.
Just one thing...
When searching for Trainz 2006 on Amazon, i get two different box art games.
One by 2K Games, and the other, obviously by Auran. So i'm wondering which to order since they both appear to be the same product.

That's the 2KGames one, that actually appears to be a "photoshop" box, and then this one, which is the recognized Auran box.

Are these the same product or what?
Oh, and while i'm barraging you kind gentlemen with questions, anyone know if any Missouri Pacific equipment has been released? Or will i be stuck reskinning?
Thanks again guys! You're making this all go quite smoothly!
If you get the Auran copy you should get a free 6 months First Class Ticket (FCT) to use on the download station. If you have any problems, you should be able to approach Auran directly. I wouldn't know if the other game company 2K Games, would offer you that, would they ??

And I assume you have already downloaded the MOPAC stuff, hoppers, locos, etc, already from the DLS ??

Cheers. ex-railwayman.
One other thought, avoid secondhand copies because each copy comes with a unique number which can only be registered once and registration gains you access to Auran's Download Station with its thousands of assets.

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