Cottonwood, Oak or Poplar SPLINES?


New member
Just checked through about 35-40 pages of trees on the DLS. I need a spline of either one of those types. Is there any on any other site? Or splines that at least look like them?
I have scads of Linden, Poplar, Oak and Pine splines by ramsey72 and dmdrake. I got them when I downloaded roymac's Pacific Western Route. I have some by TallTrees also.

Check the DLS for the user names and see if you get anything. If not, download the route - it's a keeper.
I searched the DLS for Poplar, Cottonwood, Oak

I just searched for Poplar, Cottonwood and Oak. I found the splines below in my content on the DLS. I haven't done any Oak splines, only groups.



Those Lombardy ones aren't the right type, I tryed the cottonwood spline but it's actually a long group. I'll try it anyways. Thanks!
There is a spline in the package

Those Lombardy ones aren't the right type, I tryed the cottonwood spline but it's actually a long group. I'll try it anyways. Thanks!

The spline is in the package with the other two pieces which are groups.

Right, sorry! I tried another one that was labeled spline in the non-spline objects. I now found the correct one. Thank you!