Corona errors. VE197 and VE220


Make Trainz Great Again

I've bought the Norfolk Southern High Hood sd40-2 today, and when I've installed it and tried to test it in game, I have these two errors that I don't know how to fix:

- <kuid2:998317:100183:4> : VE197: Syntax error in script 'script.gse' for asset <kuid2:998317:100183:4> "Headlight Mesh Asset"
- <kuid2:998317:100183:4> : VE220: Could not read file

Anybody has a clue about fixing them? Thanks.
Hello, you just need to update your RRMods script library. The issue is it cant find locoeffects3 script file in the RRMods script library asset. Download the script library file from the download links you received and install it and it will solve the issue