Copy Driver Commands to another Consist


Well-known member
In TRS2006 if you use the copy driver commands or the schedule library to create new driver commands for a consist can you amend the command created.
Have been trying these commands out & all I get is a single icon for the copy in the driver setup .Is the copy an exact copy which can't be modified from the original or have I missed something.

Hi big_b (shouldn't the "b" be larger??) :hehe:

I have these commands and I use them on one route, as the basic concept should have been "default built-in" in my view. Yes, you only get the single icon - until it is used, and then it expands to the commands you are copying. But any command you have that are "specialised" like, I use "movetoloco" - these are kept to the original, so you'd have to change to what you need.

Hope you understand what I'm saying as I'm not sure that I do!!! :hehe:

If you use Move to train at trackmark the commands will go with the driver. Ive used this a lot for placing the driver from one task to another with a different train.
My Driver Schedules keep losing commands :( I have a route where most drivers work to driver schedules generated by "resource verify" rules. Problem is that the schedules seem to come up and work properly the first time, but when they are called up on subsequent occasions, they often have the first few commands missing. Anyone else having this problem?