Converting .wav sounds to Trainz format?


New member
Hello. I have created some .wav sounds of crossing bells I recorded myself. I tried replacing the specified bell sound in a crossing's config.txt file with my own, but it's not there in the game. I've heard that standard .wav sounds must be converted to some proper format. Can anyone give me info on how to do that, on a simple level?

Hello. I have created some .wav sounds of crossing bells I recorded myself. I tried replacing the specified bell sound in a crossing's config.txt file with my own, but it's not there in the game. I've heard that standard .wav sounds must be converted to some proper format. Can anyone give me info on how to do that, on a simple level?


Save your samples using these parameters:
Bit Rate: 352 KPS
Audio Sample Size: 16 bit
Channels: 1 (Mono)
Audio Sample Rate: 22khz
Audio Format: PCM