Controlling AI routes in trainz 2010


New member
Are there certain rules, like "drive to", that reliably get AI trains from point A to B without taking a crazy path? I've tried navigate via, navigate to, drive to, etc., without consistent success, even when there aren't any other ways to get from point A to B! I've even had the AI act differently from one session to the next, without any changes to the route or session. For all the time I've wasted trying to get AI trains to behave properly, I can't help but think there is an easier way.

On a side note, was the AI logic improved as part of TANE?
If Drive To isn't doing it properly, all I can suggest is to use trackmarks to guide the train where you want it to go then use Drive Via Trackmark.

I use AI trains in 2010 all the time. Sometimes as many as 30 at the one time and have very little trouble.
Maybe it is worth checking how signalling is being done as this could cause similar problems.
I use the set path rule and autodrive command. An added bonus is that you can include junctions that aren't in the a.i. path... I place invisible junctions at complex interlocking and diamond crossings in order to stop conflicting traffic. You can even use this on a player driven train, as long as you have an a.i. driver on board.