Content not commited ?


New member
When launching trainz it says :some of your content is not commited:

How in CMP can I find and see all that has not been commited ?

Easy way is to look in the right window of CMP. There are a bunch of tabs there. They're actually default and saved filters. Click the one that says Open for Edit. Later when you become more proficient, create your own filters, save them and they'll show up in the tabs.
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Dont get too distressed. There is enough love in this forum to see you through. My fellow friends and I, including the biblical prophecy of sporbust, and his deciple dreddman have had CMP problems before. It's common amongst men.

You should be able to filter your content by 'Location=local' and 'open for edit' All you need to do then is a sexy little right click and 'commit'.
Now you see it, soon you won't!

Good luck on your travels.
The community side of Berniiiiieeeeeeeeee :)
Just press the 'Run Trainz' button at the top of CMP. It will automatically commit your content. Sometimes it will ask.
Also, open CMP and click File\Settings\Miscellaneous and under When Launching Trainz: select Automatically commit.

But don't forget that even if you have "Automatically Commit" enabled, if you a) Buy Payware b) Obtain Content direct from a website or c) obtain content from a link in a thread here, you'll still need to commit it manually.