Content Manager Question


New member
I am new to Trainz 2006 and have succeeded in importing TrainzProRoutes Sandpatch layout. I want to put CSX trains on it and went to the Content Manager. Using Find I found a lot of CSX stuff and selected it for download. The CM had been downloading already and would have messages at the top stating so much downloaded each day and how much left of the daily allowance. It would then say "Installing". Also on hitting Lauch Trainz from within CM it would say I had to Commit which I allowed and a progress bar would show this happening. On starting a new session of Trainz however I dont see any new CSX trains or consists and a search of the Trainz folder using Explorer on shows some CSX signs which I presume were there from the TPR Sandpatch Winter install. Where do the files that CM installs go exactly and how do I know if CM is working correctly?

Any help much apprecated.


I have a tutorial on how to import items into TRS2006 that answers your question found here.

Also for those locos you might be missing some dependencies check the missing dependencies tab in CMP and see what it says.


Those tutorials were great. I still have a problem with missing dependancies, (dont we all?). I downloaded a few Chessie locos from TrainzProRoutes but it appears I need some dependancies before they make a visual appearance. They do appear in the list however.