Content Manager Plus Question


New member
In 2 Parts....:wave:

1) When my CMP updates the last updates are for May 9, 2008. How often are the assests added??? I thought there would be more by now!

2) I am running TRS2006. Does the CMP show assests from 'TRS2004', 'TRS2006' & 'Trainz Classics' in the 'Download Station' or just '2006' and 'Classics'???

Thanks anyone.... :clap:
1) The Download station isn't updated very often. I think the last update was my NYCTA A Line.

2) When on the DLS, if you want it to show assets from all those versions, check the little boxes to the left of the search box.
1) The Download station isn't updated very often. I think the last update was my NYCTA A Line.

2) When on the DLS, if you want it to show assets from all those versions, check the little boxes to the left of the search box.
Thanks BStyles:
In Q 2 I was reffering to the 'Download Station' inside 'CMP' where "Installed" "Locally Modified" "Current Search" (13 in all) etc.
CMP shows everything that is on the DLS, all versions of Trainz. The latest updates to the DLS are dated 10 May Auran time which shows as 9 May in the US.

CMP shows everything that is on the DLS, all versions of Trainz. The latest updates to the DLS are dated 10 May Auran time which shows as 9 May in the US.

CMP does not show everything. there are(by now) over 80,000 items on the DLS, and CMP will show only 60 to 70,000 of that, because you cannot download TC products unless you own the game.
Thanks all for your help... I'm sure I will have more questions in the future.
Happy Trails... oops...Tracks!!
My CMP shows the DLS total items in 101724 so I think most things show up. I tried to download a couple of TC items but they show up in the Download Helper Action Panel with a pink bar thru them. They won't download since I don't have TC.
