Lets hope that a more stable cmp can eventually be produced as CMP locks up and does make classics 1/2 unusable on my computer with Vista and needs a restart each time ! Have read all the usual cures. Unfortunately all the posts are about the DS, but CMP is a also a program for commiting content etc for editing to work on and as I only use ftp I DON'Twant to connect to DS with it. Will see what TC3 brings as regards surveyor, making and editing content. Barry
Check that you haven't got Windows Firewall turned on when using CMP. I've been having the same difficulty with CMP when I was connected to the net, it would hang at 100% CPU, but after trawling around here for answers, I see that it is likely that Windows Firewall will cause significant problems with CMP when it is trying to connect to the DLS server.
Given I have a hardware firewall both at home and at work, I have turned off the windows one and all seems OK with CMP now.
Thats a thought and something else to check out. Gave up with it last time so classics 3 will be the next test. At least the driver route will be interesting......... Thanks... Barry