Competition Time!


Aurania Competition no. 1

In an attempt to make the Aurania thread a little different, I am going to introduce competitions into the mix, with the added bonus of a prize!

Here's the story: Auranian State Railways recently acquired two old F7 units from the United States to work heavy freight trains in tandem. However, ASR does not have its own paint shop,so we need someone to paint them for us. That's where you come in.

However, first you must get past the knockout round.

Knockout round

Basically, the knockout round is a screenshot comp. We would like you to post one screenshot of your route in the Aurania thread in the Screenshots forum. It can be of anything as long as there is a train in the picture. The pics will be judged on realism, style, artistic perspective and detail: because of this, paint program 'touch-ups' are allowed. Five successful entrants will then go through to the final round.

Title your post 'Aurania Comp 1'

Final round

In this round, the five final entrants will paint one F7 loco each in Paint Shed in a colour scheme of their choice, including the Auranian State Railways logo as seen in the Aurania thread into their design, which must be downloadable (or sent via e-mail) and compatible with TRS04. Out of these finalists a winner will be chosen and their loco will be seen in future screenshots of Aurania. They will also win a prize of a boxed, sealed and unused Ship Simulator 2006!

Knockout Round Rules

1. One screenshot per entrant of their own work.
2. Editing of posts is not allowed. Your original post is final.

Final Round Rules

1. One screenshot per entrant of the finished F7 in Surveyor.
2. Locomotive must carry the 'Auranian State Railways' logo
3. The finished F7 must be able to be downloaded by me and be compatible with TRS04.
4. Editing of posts is not allowed. Your original post is final.

Break these rules and it's game over chaps.

Knockout Round Closing Date

Wednesday 30th April

Entries submitted after this date will not be accepted. The five finalists will be chosen on Friday May 2nd, when the second round will commence.

Final Round Closing Date

Wednesday 14th May

Entries submitted after this date will not be accepted. The winner will be announced the following Friday.


I had planned to have a panel of judges, but it is hard to get several people to agree on the same things, so I will do the judging myself.

I now declare the competition

Good Luck to you all!!

Best wishes,
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