Community N-Trak Module (That Means You!)


Bankruptcy Blue
Hello everyone,

I got around to thinking, "hmmmm....A community route would be really neat.", so I was wondering, would anyone here like to contribute an N-Trak Module to me?

Please post your truthful comments.
Ok, Alan, since I was in a rush when I posted "Page One" (:p ) here it goes.

1) If you feel like contributing to the 'Trainz Community N-Trak Module' then PM me.
2) You can find the 'Module Base Board' on the DLS, I'm forgetting right now, but it should be reletivley easy to find with a few simple search words.
3) Your 'Personal Module' can be based on anything, Ocean side (beach), city, desert, feild, (Also going into regions) Japan, America, Europe, Asia, China, Africa...well anything :)

4) We will have to find '1 Track Type' to agree on, I personaly think it should be 'Built In' track', to make it easier for others who don't feel like going to some site and downloading 1 track type.

5) Try to have fun with it...:D

Alan, did I miss anything? :p

Seems like there has already been a project like N-Trak. Don't remember the name... need memory help here from old-timers please!
I'd like to contribute to the layout! :cool: I could make modules of famous rail spots and a few other random spots. As for track I think it should either be the MP lo-poly track or the AJS track. Both look real and can be used with the AJS junction kit.
Dermmy, eso (remember him) had a similiar idea. You built it with guidelines he set up( track,ballast,grass,etc). Started off ok but people deviated from some of the textures. If you do a search on the dls type module in the description under layouts and should find plenty.
yes, I know, but I was thinking a fresh one, I mean, think about how big this would be if we had %75 of the members contribute :D
you can incorperate mine somehow(not on the DLS though)....of course it requires track from VMD....
But it has about 4 lines coming from one, 8-track terminal.
We had one of these a long time ago. It was called Trainz Link. It had two tracks instead of the three tracks that N-Track uses. I made a bunch of starter boards for anyone who wanted to make a layout based on this concept. There are a bunch of layouts on the DLS based on TrainzLink.

Dermmy, eso (remember him) had a similiar idea. You built it with guidelines he set up( track,ballast,grass,etc). Started off ok but people deviated from some of the textures. If you do a search on the dls type module in the description under layouts and should find plenty.

I did a couple of small 'modular' single-board switching routes a while back, but never proposed a 'group' thing. There WAS a group thing kicked off about the same time if memory serves (like Dave I'm gettin' too old :)), but I think it fell by the wayside. Not that it's a bad idea, just hard to organise......

Andy :)
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I'm still here honest :wave: Have a look for my U-Make modules on the DLS and i'm sure someone still has the builders guide that I did at the same time.
It does sound like a great idea to begin with, but just wait until you see how many different elements you need to control so everything will match up. Good luck ;)
The module idea is quite an old one now.

All my routes are module of various lengths ( boards ) & only use mp track.I still follow a few of the original basic requirements ( standards )though mainly.

1. Track ends to be placed in the centre of the end boards for easy connection to other modules.
2. All track connection points & board edges at these points to be set a zero ( 0) for board merging.

What goes in between doesn't really matter as long as the ends of modules can join without major problems in track alignment or terrain height changes .
