commodity help


New member
is there any way that i can modify the commodity type that is allowed for a certain rail car? im trying to get 20 and 40' containers to load onto well cars
From memory (I am currently not with my Trainz computer) if you want to add additional commodities to a rolling stock item that the creator did not already assign it, then you will probably need to open the config.txt file of the rolling stock asset and add the commodity kuids to the product list. Not sure what parameters will be needed but check the other entries in the list for guidance. There could be problems with attachment points.

EDIT: The commodities that you add may not actually become visible on the railcar itself - a lot depends on the size, shape of the commodities, how old the asset is and how the asset creators set up the attachment points.
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is there any way that i can modify the commodity type that is allowed for a certain rail car? im trying to get 20 and 40' containers to load onto well cars

If you clone the asset you will be able to modify it to handle the additional products. You can copy what's already there, or refer to the details here:

The only thing you need to consider is the attachment points that are used for the different products. Changing these becomes complex, so the new products have to be of comparable size to those the original creator contemplated for the asset, otherwise they won't be positioned properly in the vehicle. If you are changing one type of container for another, that shouldn't be a problem.