Colorado trainz


New member
I need a copy of Trainz. I live in Arvada, Colorado (just outside denver). Due to buying a cheap lousy virsion of trainz already, I don't have a serial number and can't download any new content, Does anyone know somewhere in Colorado where I can find a copy of 2006... like today??
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I have patronized the Microcenter store on the South side of Denver, and I bought my copy of TRS 2006 at Microcenter, though not the one in Denver. You might try the Microcenter website (<>) and see if they have the title in stock. If they do, you can probably pick up a copy today, til 2100 local time.

microcenter has a copy of 2006. It's a long drive, but I won't have to wait a week to get a copy. Thanks for the info.:D
Got it

I went and purchased trainz 2006. There is more downloadable content then I ever could have dreamt. AMAZING!! Although the two hour drive was lame... it was worth it.
Thanks all who assisted me.