Cold Creek route, JR Midwest Cols Storage


Active member

Not lucky with juice these days... :o

I now got all what is cold from JR.
The Juice Train, Cold Creek route, Cold Creek Logistics and some extra reefers.

Everything works fine in TANE except that the building "Midwest Cold Storage" will not show the Tropicana Juice.
It is present in the config.txt under allowed products.

Product works with the reefers, instantLoad and instantUnload, no problem.

How can I add the Tropicana juice to the Storage?

Normal there is a piece of industry rail to load and unload, but this time the whole building is an industry.

I'm going to venture to say its more than likely something in TANE that broke the functionality of the Building with the product. I'll see if we can look into it, maybe its a simple fix, but it also may not. This is why its noted that this route is specifically for TS12 Build 61388.
//industry set-up
//set queues
OutQueue = GetQueue("product_storage");
AddAssetToIndustryProductInfo("product0", "product_storage", "product_process", false);
AddAssetToIndustryProductInfo("product1", "product_storage", "product_process", false);
AddAssetToIndustryProductInfo("product2", "product_storage", "product_process", false);
AddAssetToIndustryProductInfo("product3", "product_storage", "product_process", false);
//begin process

I added the last line to the script and named the juice "product3" in the config.txt

All 4 products are now listed in the building and I can change the item numbers.

So far so good except for the loading and unloading.
The train drives through very slowly, but will not load or unload the reefers.

Who knows, I just need another bright moment...

Could not get it right.
Deleted the script and the industry out of the building. The attached track and animated doors too.

Laid a new track put an industry track in and whala... working.
Not the way it should be, but it works for the time being.

The building is just a scenery building now, but the route is still the same.
And if I don't tell anybody, nobody knows....
