Cold Creek - Missing Assets


New member
I have 3 missing assets from Cold Creek Logistics: <kuid:334896:200037>, <kuid:334896:200054>, and <kuid:334896:200056>. They appear to be 50ft boxcars from JR, but I cannot locate them on JR's website, and trainzkuidindex links to pages from before JR redid their site. Could anyone please point me to a valid nlink for these items? Thank ye ...
I used the search tool on the JR website to search for boxcar. One of the results on page 3 is 50ft High Cube Boxcar Pack. I think those mite be the missing cars you need. It seems JR broke the mega pack into 3 packs. JR also broke all the links on the trainzkuidindex website when they revamped their website. I think everything is still there, you just have to search for it.

Unfortunately, I have grabbed all of the 50ft boxcar packs already, and none of them are what I need. :( Thanks, though ...
Doesn't seem to be in the 50'6 Boxcar packs, either. (Incidentally, JR, both of the available 50'6 boxcar packs appear to link to the same file?)