Coaches moving by themselves??


New member
I had something very strange happen today. On a short length of double track with runaround loops at each end, I had coaches running back and forth from one end of the route to the other on their own, after I decoupled them from the loco! Why would this happen? It was in a Driver session that went a bit pear-shaped.
Mick Berg.
Try this: when you stop the train, brake it with "A". Now uncouple the engine and move it away a short distance and look at the cars. They should not move. If they do: Make sure the speed indicator on the cars is at cero (we are talking DCC, yes?). If they move there is an unknown reason we have never seen yet and Auran should be notified at once for analisis. Of course, the grade has to be checked, but if the cars are breaked, they should not move.
This happened after an AI session went wrong (due to a badly placed track direction marker) and I took over DCC control using the "Stop Train" menu item.
The grade was flat, but the coaches went back and forth, stopping and starting, as if they had become locos.
To be honest, I think there are plenty of problems that need to be fixed by Auran with their limited resources before we get to this one! I suspect it was a one-time glitch and the route works fine now. Thanks for your interest.
Ilebrez, I'm interested in your suggestion "Make sure the speed indicator on the cars is at zero" What do you mean by "the speed indicator on the cars"?
Mick Berg.
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Sometimes a content creator applies a locomotive tag to a coach, either by mistake or on purpose where in that case one can actually drive the coach. This might/could be one of these instances. It is easy to check if in Driver one clicks on the offending coach and the speed dial comes up for it.

Some 2 or 3 units of DMUs I am working on atm have a cab in the engineless rear unit in real life, to prevent turning the whole DMU around when going back where one came from. I have to give this rear unit a locomotive tag if I want to use the cab view on it. One instance where a coach might drive on its own.

Other than that, it might be "divine intervention". :o


Well: By a speed indicator on cars I am refering to DCC upper corner speed/control indicator at upper right corner. If I have a consist (loco and cars), arrive to destination, and uncouple the cars, somehow they still have a speed indicator. It should be at mid point or "0" if I did the uncopupling with the loco at stop. If I did the uncoupling while the loco was still moving, the cars may "remember" the speed and continue running. Observation of the speed indicator shows that their indicator remembers the same speed the loco had when uncoupling was made. You can then bring to "0" the speed control and the cars should stop, or press "A" to this efect. I don't believe all this is Auran's fault, it is just the way it works: and I can live with it... if I know... But remember, all this we found out the hard way over the times and ages, as I don't think it is writen anywhere, so don't feel bad.