CN Shotz


Long time train lover
Ok, here are three from my route



Today was such a nice day for RR fanning so I thought of taking a lil ride up to the SSAM yard...When we got there we headed over to the yard...
The first thing we seen was a CN grain train sitting at the end of the yard

Then we went over to the shops and seen that they had a full house over there with a leased unit and 2 WC's and a SOO

We then headed over to the other side of the yard and sitting on the main line was the SOHE1T and thats the train that we will chase up to Hawk Jct

We then seen a CN switcher switching the mill

We then found a side road that faced the side of the shops and shot this pic of the SOO

We then went up to the north end of the yard where the SOHE1T was getting ready to leave as it was getting a track warrant

SOHE1T got the clear and away it went and away we went...Our first advantage point was on top of a hill as it passed this beautiful lake

We then raced it over to Glendale where it stomped on thru

Here we then caught it coming off the east leg of the WYE

We then wait for it to come up to Agawa Falls where the big damn is

We then had to race across to the other side as we then heard it climbing out of the valley and race across the bridge

Here it comes around the bend

Here it passes a road as it races up north

Here it crosses a trestle over a lil creek

We then finally made it up to Hawk Jct and we had to wait a lil bit for him to get up here but after about 15 mins or so he finally made it up here

Last shot of the SOHE1T

We then went back to the SSAM yard and on the way back we heard on the scanner that the CN grain train was just about to head north as well so we then chased it part of the way up
Here he goes over main street in town

Here he comes across a trestle over a lil house

We then raced him to the damn and got this pic

And the last shot of our trip we see him passing the depot

And that was our trip....
Oh Shibby.....

I didn't really think about it when I posted these pics. They are beta from Justin (NS37) and I don't know when he will be releasing them so don't ask :D:D. Sorry for teasing you guys. :o

Must...revive...great...thread! :hehe:

Here's a few I took over the past few days while running the tour session of neilsmith749's Ultramegaroute (which I totally recommend as there are some very well done parts in the route and is great if you just want to sit back and watch the train drive by without worrying about anything else.


Gisa ^^