CMP freezing


New member
I've had intermittant problems with CMP ever since starting in January and it now simply refuses to do anything. The specific symptoms are that it loads, it says its checking my username and password and I then have about two seconds to do anything before it then becomes totally inert and non-responding. The only thing that works is the close button.

There is no sign of any activity after it freezes.

I guess I'm OK with reinstalling but I would like to save the files I've downloaded and the route I've spent the past couple of weeks building. Apparently you need CMP to create an archive file :confused:

Any ideas on what might be going wrong with CMP?

Any ideas on how I might save my work?

I am using TRS2006 DVD 2.6 Build 3092.
My setup is as follows

Andrew Harvey

Auran Trainz Diagnostic Tool
Version : 1.0
Compiled on : Jul 4 2005 14:59:50
System Information
Operating System : Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)
Screen Size : 1024 x 768
Ram Found : 767 MB
Ram Free : 474 MB
Virtual Ram Free : 1710 MB
Raw Cpu Clock Speed : ~1.60 GHZ
OEM ID : 0
Number of processors : 1
Page size : 4096
Processor type : 586
Processor Architecture : 0
Processor Level : 15
Processor Revision : 3072
Allocation Granularity : 65536
3D-Now : Available
FP operations : Not Emulated
FP precision error : Does not occur
MMX : Available
Physical Address Extension : Unavailable
RDTSC instruction : Available
SSE instruction : Available
SSE2 instruction : Unavailable
Test Results
CPU Speed : ~1.60 GHZ : Passed
System Memory : 767 MB : Passed
Hard Drive Space: 19.30 GB Free : Passed
OpenGL : Version 1.3 : Passed
DirectX : Version 9.0c or later : Passed
Desktop Mode : 16 bit colors : Warning
Card Type : RADEON 9200 Series DDR x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2 : Passed
Video Driver's Age : 20 months old -Update : Warning
AGP Memory : 118MB Free : Passed
Video Memory : 128MB : Passed
Stencil Buffer : 8 Bits : Passed
Multi-Texturing : 6 Textures : Passed
Texture Compression DXT : Passed
Texture Combiners : Passed
Vertex Shaders : Version 1.1 : Passed
Pixel Shaders : Version 1.4 : Passed
Bump Mapping : Passed
Spherical Environment Mapping (DirectX failure) : Warning
Cubic Environment Mapping : Passed
Vertex Buffers : Passed
Try waiting to let cmp rebuild the data base, this could take 20-30 minutes. Also your specs show screenshot shows several warnings which you may want to address! MOre Ram would be a good thing also. CMP can appear to be locked up but if you wait it will sort itself out and go to working. Have patients, your system is being taxed to run Trainz and needs time to do its thing.
More RAM!!!

I had the same problem when I first got TRS2006. Sometimes it would take a few minutes before it would function properly and I found that if I tried using it before it was ready, it would simply cause an error and shut down. I was running 512MB RAM so I added another Gig (3x what I had before) and it took care of the problem. Plus, the TRS2006 program runs much faster along with the computer in general. Try more memory and good luck! John

I let it run for 30 minutes last night without interruption with no change, but I'll try letting it run tonight for an hour or so.

Its worrying that it's not showing any CPU usage after it goes quiet though. Nor is it showing its normal message that its rebuilding the database.

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It Just Came Good

I turned the computer on this morning and loaded CMP and everything immediately worked fine. Obviously it just didn't like working on a Sunday :mad: . At yes I had done a computer reset yesterday, though possibly not a cold reboot.

Is it possible that it gets tired after doing some work for me, and decides that's enough for the day? I hadn't done any downloads, but I had done an edit. The problem showed up after I'd committed the work.

Oh well - at least I can now learn about archiving my own content.
