CMP again


New member
I have just installed TRS2006, build 3099, on a vista machine. CMP will allow me to inport assests but will not commit them even though it goes through the motions. This happens if I use the download helper or just import from a disk. I have about 11000 assets and layouts on disks. Anyone any bright ideas.
Ian :'(
I have just installed TRS2006, build 3099, on a vista machine. CMP will allow me to inport assests but will not commit them even though it goes through the motions. This happens if I use the download helper or just import from a disk. I have about 11000 assets and layouts on disks. Anyone any bright ideas.
Ian :'(

You're not trying import all 11000 assets at once are you?:)

No I am not trying to load all 11000 assets. Even if I download using the download helper the asset does not commit. I downloaded a layout just to try, all dependances were downloaded ok, I committed them went to 2006 via the CMP and the layout was not in surveyor. I went back to CMP and the layout was still showing DS along side. Any bright ideas?

No I am not trying to load all 11000 assets. Even if I download using the download helper the asset does not commit. I downloaded a layout just to try, all dependances were downloaded ok, I committed them went to 2006 via the CMP and the layout was not in surveyor. I went back to CMP and the layout was still showing DS along side. Any bright ideas?

Save the CDPs to your computer and import them using CMP.
Tried that still the same will not commit. One thing I forget when I enter CMP I get a message ' unable to register URL in resistry key'. Could this be cause, if so how do I register URL. I have reinstalled 2006 many times.

In order to commit the assets, the Trainz program needs to have read/write permissions inside the Auran folder.

I'd suggest (not having Vista myself) that you need to give CMP permissions to the folder (as well as Trainz and others....)

There's a couple of Vista experts around, so I'm sure they'll point you in the right direction, though you could try searching for "registration key" - that may give you the links directly.


Thanks for advice, I gave CMP read/write permissions and all now ok assets downloading, committing, appearing in surveyor and staying in CMP.
Thanks again