classics.....BUY NOW


New member
im gonna get trainz classics(well get a prepaid visa so i can go online and buy it)tommorow but i dont wanna wait 1 to 3 weeks where can i get it?
I don't think there is any store that has it yet. But if you order now it will almost definatly be there in 9 days as mine was,and you live roughly in the same area and actually have a post office unlike here:o
Welcome to the forums btw.
Won't hit stores until September/October and it doesn't take 1-3 weeks as it took 8 days from order to arrival when I ordered TC.

Took me 3 weeks to the day, same part of the U.S.A. (Boston) I think they used Amelia Earhart's plane for my air mail shipment.
Trainz Classics does NOT have or support Surveyor, correct???

Incorrect. TC has Surveyor.

Although you will have a limited palette to work with (at this point) because most of the older content will not work without some degree of tweaking (missing dependencies, faulty configs, etc)... and nobody has provided upgraded content yet on the DLS since the new CCG just came out recently.

Default items in TC's Surveyor are just what was used in the two routes provided and a handful of the interactive industries from 2004/2006.
My copy of classic arrived in 10-11 days here in Alberta from Brisbane Australia, which in my humble opinion, is phenomenal!

I have been 'lucky' and been able to download some TRS 2004/2006 into Classics from the DLS. I even managed to 'fluke' a BN F45! Given time, I would assume (or hope...?) that some of the excellent content for 2k4/2k6 will become fully compatible with the Classics game engine, given time of course.

I have imported some content from TPR and it appears in the 'railyard' with no issues. I have not tried to download any custom routes as of yet. I have played with the 'Surveyor' option and it seems to work OK, at least in the 'undec' grid.

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I would be curious to know if my route "Alberta Run" will run in Classics. I'm not going to buy it unless it will as I have and will be investing to much time in that route only not to be able to run it in the latest version.
I would be curious to know if my route "Alberta Run" will run in Classics. I'm not going to buy it unless it will as I have and will be investing to much time in that route only not to be able to run it in the latest version.


Where does your 'Alberta Run' depict? Guess we're practically 'neighbors', being that I am in St. Albert. Is your route configured for TRS 2004 or 2006. Color me curious!

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