Chinese ScreenShots


Trainz Screenshoter

I am a Chinese TRS player, just put 2 pics first and the following will be put later.

Who is interested in Chinese or Russian trains here? I would like to talk with you about that topic. :wave:


DF7G, SS7E and DF4D (Chairman Mao) are the first batch of Chinese Trainz.




DF4B (test)


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Hi Afu,

I must confess I'm not specially interested in a particular nationality of trainzy railroading but every of them ! :hehe:

So these Chinese locos are some kind of blessing to me. I have the Mao, but where can I get the SS7E? Really interesting cat specimen! ;)

Keep coming with these orientals (from my geographical point of view, of course) ! ;)

Take care,

Alberte :wave:
Hmm... no QJ's?;)

Hmm..., :o
We do have QJ in the TRS, but it's a payware and not made by Chinese. Actually, we change some models from MSTS into TRS, and we have QJ's model in MSTS, so QJ may be released as a TRS version some time.

At last some chinese railway models, how much I have expected them. I'm interested of chinese railways. I want moore.
Very good models, have you in plan to build some freight cars too ???.
I will look forward to another chinese models.
When I used MSTS, I had a nice QJ model that apparently the guy who released it later decided to release as payware. At least I think that's the story. Either way it worked out that a few days after being on the download server, the thing vanished and we had a rather angry creator (the same guy who uploaded it) yelling at us to pay him since it was payware.

That loco became something of a ghost, I doubt anyone actually bought it, but you saw it turning up everywhere.
Hyde Park Residence
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Those links have no downloads there! Did you upload them or did the creator upload them? If so, tell him to try a different site. is a good one.
Oh cool. Though, that's not the version I had. The one that turned up wasn't ...well to be honest, as well made :P
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So where can you find the Mao Ze Dong Hao loco (the DF4D)?

BTW Nice locos Ah Fu! I'm going to China myself in aboot a few weeks time.:)
At last some chinese railway models, how much I have expected them. I'm interested of chinese railways. I want moore.
Very good models, have you in plan to build some freight cars too ???.
I will look forward to another chinese models.
I am not sure, maybe Communist has already finished a gondola called C64k, you may connect him for further information. :wave:

Haha, that is my models, post it just for example.
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Those links have no downloads there! Did you upload them or did the creator upload them? If so, tell him to try a different site. is a good one.
In fact, I have uploaded them already. Please be patient and track this pic, :wave:
Nah, I haven't gone yet. I'll be going to Guangzhou, Guangdong Province.

Thanks for the link anyways. :)