Chinese Models


New member
Hello, i was searching for a long toime now for some chinese models, espescially the SS1, and the DF and DF3, as welss as old chinese express cars. diesels, can anybody help?
You might check down on the Chinese forum of the Branchlines section. I have seen a few Chinese assets pop up now and then on the regular forums, but not very often, and I don't think I have a Chinese route to run them on.
In fact, there are many trainz forums in China with excellent asset quality, but I cannot be sure if you can understand Chinese or register an account...
Moreover, the vast majority of assets on the forum are made for TRS12, while assets for TRS19 or TRS22 are relatively scarce on the forum.
At the same time, the vast majority of creators tend to prefer paid rather than free broadcasting.
Paid assets are usually of good quality.
If you need it, I can provide you with the website of the China Trainz Forum!
It would be interesting to see some routes set in China. I rode the trains from Shanghai to Suzhou and from Suzhou to Nanjing about 30 years ago and the scenery was beautiful. Would also be interested in the HSTs, like the route to Tibet and I am sure there are others with advanced engineering. Great potential for wonderful routes in China.
Chinese free content is usually placed on online storage available to the chinese citizens only. All coming from there is rather unfriedly.
What makes obtaining any Chinese content is the QR code based verification system they all use, just to get registered for download access. :sneaky: :rolleyes: :cautious:
