Chillicothe Sub anyone?


Formerly Rugrat
One of my fav lines of all time is the BNSF Chillicothe sub and i was thinking of making the line from Willow Springs yard all the way through to Galesburg yard but i have no experience with creating HOG routes so i was looking for someone that could do that. also it would be great if you could send me any pictures you have of the Chilli sub or maps, specifications, etc

thanks, Rugrat:D

sorry, forgot to mention - if anyone would be interested in working on the route in one way or another I would be happy for the help

Thanks again, Rugrat:hehe:
Yahoo image search pulled up about 27 pictures, many of which were expired links. But I found a few good pictures.
I looked into the DEM situation. Doing a DEM/HOG would involve 34 USGS data squares and TIGER data from 10 counties. If its even possible it would be a huge job. How long is this section?
Never the less, I did get SRTM data from Seamless Data as a single file, so I might look into making a set of low-res baseboards. I'm not very good at this kind of thing, but I might be able to whip up something.
:p Don't get your hopes up, though.

:cool: Claude
I havent had to much luck at makeing train yards but it would be nice to see a TRS2006 model of Galesburg's yard
route lenght

I'm still trying to decide what portion of the route would be the best, right now im thinking Chillicothe to Galesburg yard so it would include Edelstein hill, but im not sure yet so i cant give a route lenght

thanks, Rugrat
Well, I can't figure out how to use the seamless data, but I threw together a rough blank with the regular DEMs. Galesburg and Chillicote are in 2 different regions, so I had to do it in 2 routes and merge them. They don't line up exactly, but if you're interested (and after I savagely hack away excess boards) I can let you have it.
It's huge right now, over 84MB. I need to shrink it down before I send it out.

:cool: Claude
I've uploaded the baseboard set for "Galesburg-Chillicothe" to the DLS, and it should be released in a day or two, depending on when Auran gets their equipment back on line.
If you don't have the HOG textures yet, you'll need them for the data lines. They are at this site here... Textures/
The basic instructions and sources are here... on the Wewain DEM/HOG tutorial.
Also search the forums for "fishlips". The question of how to install the textures to various versions seems to come up fairly frequently, and that brings up some answers.
Apache62 has already expressed an interest in the Galesburg yard, so that might be a good place to start. Finish off the baseboards of the yard itself, then save as a different name and delete the other baseboards and upload it. You'll have a finished layout then, and when you go back to the original layout, the yard will be ready to expand from.
Take your time and enjoy it. And thanks for an interesting project.

:cool: Claude
Galesburg last

I've uploaded the baseboard set for "Galesburg-Chillicothe" to the DLS, and it should be released in a day or two, depending on when Auran gets their equipment back on line.
If you don't have the HOG textures yet, you'll need them for the data lines. They are at this site here... Textures/
The basic instructions and sources are here... on the Wewain DEM/HOG tutorial.
Also search the forums for "fishlips". The question of how to install the textures to various versions seems to come up fairly frequently, and that brings up some answers.
Apache62 has already expressed an interest in the Galesburg yard, so that might be a good place to start. Finish off the baseboards of the yard itself, then save as a different name and delete the other baseboards and upload it. You'll have a finished layout then, and when you go back to the original layout, the yard will be ready to expand from.
Take your time and enjoy it. And thanks for an interesting project.

:cool: Claude

At first I liked the idea of just doing Galesburg for a release but as i thought about it there would have to be a lot of custom content created to make Galesburg plus i don't have a good track plan to work from, instead i thought i would work first on the other end of the line between Chillicothe and Edelstein so i could make famous locations like Edelstein hill & Houlihans curve. any shots anyone would have of that section would be greatly appreciated.

don't expect prototype

there are multiple reasons why the chilli sub will not be completely like the prototype...

1. I have never been to America.
2. The only detailed track plan (with every little piece of track) i have is Google earth between Princeville and Edelstein.
3. I don't have photos of every single place on the line.

But I'm still going to push on and put a lot of effort into it, and hopefully i will finish with something i can take pride in.

on that note I will finish with if anyone could supply me with track plans or photos it would be greatly appreciated.

p.s. for anyone who does not expect something good to come from a 15yr old boy, download my route Ironbridge flats once I get it on the DLS.

I'm still learning to use the ruler function in Google Earth, but I measure it out as about 55 miles of mainline, plus yards and sidings.
William, don't worry too much about accuracy. There are topographic maps here: Those have a lot of details on track alignments and grades. For instance, in Chillicothe the mainline crosses above the line running north and south, and a spur drops down and crosses under the bridge to connect the two lines.
The resolution in the satellite pictures is rather poor in that area. Does anyone have pictures of the Chillicothe area for Rugrat?

bad news

Unfortunately my computer just crashed but we were able to get it going again but the new SATA drive that had TRS2006 and all my archives didn’t recover like a normal hard drive and created a new partition, all the files are still on it but we are unable to access them. We invested in a programme (can’t remember the name right now because I’m writing from a different computer but will get back on that one) which cost NZ$100 but we haven’t had too much luck with it.:'(

I’m happy with how the route is turning out and I did get 3 screen shots on the web so I can show what to expect… I have been using Terraserver a lot especially for Chillicothe, I was a little down when I wrote that last post and made it sound a bit worse than it really is although I will say it might not be Very up-to-date (around 97-04 period) for example I have learnt of a connection between the BNSF and UP at Edelstein build in 2005 but I have absolutely no idea of what it looks like so I’m not modelling it.

I have put a lot of time and effort into the route and am happy with how it’s turning out, although I would love more colour Arial photos

Let’s just hope I haven’t lost it…

William (Rugrat):wave:
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I'm still learning to use the ruler function in Google Earth, but I measure it out as about 55 miles of mainline, plus yards and sidings.
William, don't worry too much about accuracy. There are topographic maps here: Those have a lot of details on track alignments and grades. For instance, in Chillicothe the mainline crosses above the line running north and south, and a spur drops down and crosses under the bridge to connect the two lines.
The resolution in the satellite pictures is rather poor in that area. Does anyone have pictures of the Chillicothe area for Rugrat?

:cool:Claude Has been a great help from the Arial pictures but the problem with its topographic maps is that they were last updated in 1987 and in 1987 Chillicothe was still a division point with large yard & Engine servicing facilities. When the division point was moved further to Fort Madison there was no need for such facilities so they were removed and a small 3-track interchange yard put in its place. I found that the interchange had 3 tracks using the Arial photo's which are from 1999 but the reason I would like better photos is the Arial pick’s just cannot zoom in enough for my liking.

But still has been a Hugh help and I thank you Claude for telling me of its existence

Good aerial pictures are scarce for that region. I wouldn't worry too much. I'm including yards in a modern route I'm making that haven't existed in 10 or 20 years. I like them, so they're in.
Just build it the way that makes you happiest, and every one else will enjoy it, too.
The pictures look great. I'm looking forwards to seeing what you do with the layout.

:cool: Claude
I've been thinking about including the yard, as i have a good track plan, but i dont have any pictures + it would mean abit more work. but i must say that it would be a good addition in the (hopefully) first release between Chillicothe and Edelstein + it would mean that each end of the route would have a yard. On that note i recently realised that Galesburg yard is on ex-BN track while the chilli sub is on ex-ATSF that goes right past it, so i might not even have to model it. (although i would if someone could create some custom content for it as it has alot of unique buildings).

William (rugrat):udrool:
For higher resolution orthophotos of US places also look at MS Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps or For various areas those three provide better images than Google. Galesburg, IL is an example.

For higher resolution orthophotos of US places also look at MS Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps or For various areas those three provide better images than Google. Galesburg, IL is an example.


Thanks for those sites, i've really been needing better pics:D

But one Question...

Is MS Virtual Earth a programme you have to buy\download or a website?
