Chicago metro area


New member
Ok so i am redoing the Chicago area in trainz 2006. I have some highly detailed charts so the route will be as acurate as possible (all yards, stations ect..) but i need some buildings that would look good. So could you all post the names that i could search for in DLS. Also should i do it in Trainz classics?
Search dmdrake and ish6 for some good buildings, and Please do it in TRS06 if not 04--there's a lot of people who would be eternally thankful for a TRS04-compatible route! :wave:
Ok so i am redoing the Chicago area in trainz 2006. I have some highly detailed charts so the route will be as acurate as possible (all yards, stations ect..) but i need some buildings that would look good. So could you all post the names that i could search for in DLS. Also should i do it in Trainz classics?

Lake Point Tower, just northeast of the downtown Loop, is on the DLS.:wave:
Ok so today i am almost done with Olgilvie Transportation Center (OTC) and then i will start on North Union Station. The Metra Line that i will do first will either be The Union Pacific West line or the UP North line.
Just post if you need any help--there's a whole group of Trainzers frm in and around the Greater Chicago area (See thread "Windy City Roll Call" by Euphod).

See if you can post some screenies for us, please! :wave: :D
I know its been a few years since I under took this project, Unfortunately I had a great version of the Loop Metra stations, except Metra electric, and South Shore. I had the UPW line to Elburn Done and The Rock Island to Blue Island done. Started on the BNSF, and Heritage corridor. The UPNW and UPN lines were half done. I was starting on the Milwaukee Districts when My computer crash I lost everything, including other things I was working on. So after taking a break from Trainz I bought TRS2009 and I am starting.... again. I was actually pretty Happy with some of the new content I have found. I am doing some fantasy stuff and working on a few projects that I had backed up from TRS2006.
I suppose it's acceptable to bump a three year old thread if it's yours! Sorry to hear about the crash, and glad to hear you're back in the saddle.
Long Story short, too late! :) I am looking for anybody with Metra Content other than what is on the DL station. I Have some pretty awesome pet projects that I am working on. My fantasy version of a Chicago "L" style Rapid transit system. I have some unfinished things as well. I would be willing to trade a whole bunch of my stuff for and MP36, in Metra colors, but that enguine under any flag would be fine by me. Trades of course with the understanding that I dont take credit for your work and you dont take credit for mine. :)
I suppose it's acceptable to bump a three year old thread if it's yours! Sorry to hear about the crash, and glad to hear you're back in the saddle.

I haven't the foggiest as to why I never backed it up! I did salvage some things though. so it wasn't a total bust. Thanks!
Any of these layouts on the DLS?

I would love it if any of these layouts/routes were on the DLS. I am trying to create a complete route of all Illinois trains as a tribute to two people very dear to me who worked for the railroad - my father, who was an engine mechanic for Milwaukee Road for 20 years - he worked at the Bensenville engine house. The second person is a dear friend who worked for BN as an engineer for 25 years.

I am trying to create a massive layout that incorporates all train lines in Illinois, especially around the Chicago area, that includes connections going into Indiana and Michigan - especially the rail yards within about 25 miles of Lake Michigan. I also want to incorporate train routes that go into Wisconsin as far north as Madison and Milwaukee areas.

Would any of you be willing to work with me on this project?
If anyone can help me get the Metra north and west lines setup (especially around Union Station) where the west line come into Union Station (lower level) and the north lines come into Union Station (upper level).

I can't seem to get this setup correctly. I also can't find the "station(s)" to use for these two sections of Union Station.
If anyone can help me get the Metra north and west lines setup (especially around Union Station) where the west line come into Union Station (lower level) and the north lines come into Union Station (upper level).

I can't seem to get this setup correctly. I also can't find the "station(s)" to use for these two sections of Union Station.

I doubt you're going to find any stations that are reasonable for Chicago Union Station, even less Ogilvie. Track for those areas is not hard, it's just time consuming.
I'll see what I have gotton done so far, I also found some trainz stuff on a flash drive so I will see if any of my chicago stuff made it on there. Olgvie is complicated to make because of the switching, north Union is always a piece of cake for me.