Changing Track?


TS2010EE SP3; Build 49933
I was wondering if there was anyway to change track without relaying it in TRS2006 NON SP1?

It would save a lot of time for me. Iwould think you could just change the KUID of the track to another track KUID. But I'm not sure.
Any advice?

But it was worth trying. If you change a kuid in config file for example a building, it will be seen in surveyor. Maybe splines are not changeable by changing kuids.

Hello Adam, I am a non SP1 TRS2006 user for well over 12 months now and have found that unlike TRS2004 with Vistamap, whereby you could exchange types of track, etc, I have yet to be able to exchange rail track in any routes I have downloaded from the DLS or 3rd Party sites, by amending the config.txt accordingly, irresspective of whether they were SP3, UTC, TRS2004 or 06. It would be interesting to see if anybody has been successful in achieving this, and how they did it....I'm sure I read somewhere that once a route has been uploaded to the DLS by the creator, you cannot exchange assets, maybe somebody knows differently.
I would have thought that a sticky had been opened by now to allow trainzers to see exactly what we ( non SP1 TRS2006 users ) were capable of doing and what was impossible to perform, especially as newbies are asking the same questions now that we asked last took them over a year to put TRS2006 SP1 onto the DLS, so we didn't waste our time downloading routes that we couldn't play with.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave: Happy trainzing my non SP1 friend. :hehe: