Changing cattle in feedlot to one type


Aprilia Racing Fan
Hi all,
Just wondering is there a way of changing the cattle in the the feedlot & rollingstock cattle cars to have just one variety of cattle?
For example, i would like to have just the beef cattle in my feedlots and not the dairy cows, which is more life like for Australian conditions.

Torana. :)
I believe the cattle product includes both types of cows - you'll have to either edit the product, or create a new product and edit the feedlot to use that product.
Hi there,


The kuids are ;
Cattle feedlot kuid 50567:10027:2
Feedlot-ind kuid 50567:100713:2
cattle kuid 30671:90102101:1


I'm not shaw how to do this, is there somewhere to see how this is done.

Torana. :)

You would have to open the cattle feedlot industries config.txt file and change the kuid numbers for the products, then do the same for the rolling stock.

In the queues section of the config.txt, you'll see a kuid number, change it to what you want.

Sorry, that's all I can help right now as i'm at TAFE until later this afternoon, if you havn't got it done i'll help out more tonight.

Hope this helps a little... :)
OK, the easy way is just to edit the product to show what you want. (This will only work for your computer. If you want to re-distribute your route later, the people who download it will see the default cows.)
So, if you look at the feedlot, you see it is using the LARS Cattle product, kuid2:30671:90102101:1. Open that product, edit the config.txt file, and find the following code:
mesh-table {
    default {
        mesh                    ""
        auto-create                1
    cow2 {
        mesh                    ""
        auto-create                1
That tells the product that there are two different cows to mix when using that product.
Now, since we don't know which one is which, you'll have to do a little experimentation. Try changing "" to "", and save and exit.
If you're lucky, all the cows will be the type you want. If not, go back into the config file and change both instances of "" to "".

Good luck!
Thanks everyone,


That sounded right but didn't work for me,

so after a bit of thought ;)

I ended up opening the object folder & in the
Fresian texture text document
After a bit more thought, i changed

primary=fresian.tga to primary=hereford.tga

Hey presto it works :cool:

Torana. :)
I couldn't resist

Huh? Cow racism:p:rolleyes::D? Whats wrong with Angus? They're the ones that actually taste good;).

Actually Wiley, back when we used to raise beef cattle, either the USDA or Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture did a taste test and herefords came out on top. Angus gain weight faster, so they're cheaper to raise, that's why they're pushed by the beef industry.