Cessna 150


New member
I managed to download the Cessna 150 (KUID: 152080:20501, I think)via the download station. It appears to be installed and configured correctly - ie, no errors in CMP. How do I get to use it in Surveyor? It doesn't appear under the Train menu. Is there a tutorial available anywhere? Thanks for your help.
If the Cessna is not created as a flying model (just stationary), it will noy be found in the Train menu. Look for it in the same menu where you find cars, houses etc. if that is the case.

In any case, you can find out its "User name", the name it should appear in Surveyor and/or the region it was created for in its config.txt file. Use CMP in TRS 06 or in TRS 04 look for its Kuid numbered folder in World/dispatcher/downloads to look up its config.txt file.


Just downloaded, found it under the rolling stock tab and put it on some track.
Make sure you have all the dependencies.
I just downloaded that Cessna and CMP shows 1 missing dependency, kuid:152080:20502 the Cessna interior. I downloaded that and then placed it on an invisible track and fly it ok. Max speed was 124mph.

Hi Bob,

That's quite a bit of speed for a cessna 150. Is that in a dive?

From memory i think they cruised at about 110mph and landing speed was about 65mph I did fly them in my younger days.

Cruise on a 150 is about 90kts or 100mph.
65kt full flaps is a good approach speed.
opps forgot, no flap handle!

sorry, I teach flying for a living:) , I love when i mixes into Trainz.
The Cessna enginespec (kuid:-1:42004206) specifies 60 m/s in DCC which is about 134 mph. I tried the Cessna on a level track again and wide open got it up to 134 mph.

I have microsoft flight simulator 2004 (don't have FSX yet, my dad is way too cheap) and when I fly in a C172 I can get it to about 120 knots under full power in good weather and a C182 to maybe 150 knots in the same conditions at full power. As for what they do at cruise speed I do not know considering I mostly do emergency flights like airlifting paratroopers in a C-130.

Hi tractorking,

Considering it's about 30 years since I gave up flying and probably about 40 or 45 years since I flew a c150 I guess my memory is not too bad.


ps. My sig is wrong now I'm abit more than 69