Can't fix missing track


Davenport Southern RR
Hi, the track that I have been using on my route, JR MS Lt Grey (Terrain), has disappeared and has been replaced by the white dashed lines. I've tried changing the track in CCP, but that didn't work. Quick and extended data base repairs didn't work either. The same track used on the mojave sub is fine, and the track itself shows up as error-free in content manger. Can someone help me get this track working? Thanks.
I ran into the same thing on my own route I was building when I imported to TANE. I just went into my TS12 route and changed all the track out to DK Grey instead of LT Grey, and re imported it. Something wrong with the Lt Grey that I could not fix.
I would use that, except the track shows up as white dashed lines that are un selectable, and changing the track in CCP doesn't seem to work. Is there anything else I can try?
Same problem here - i put the route back in TS12, did the replacement there, and then re-loaded into TANE.
Also - I had TANE crash when I tried to use the ReplaceAssets function with textures. It works fine with assets - just not textures - for me at least.
The only way I see to solve this problem is to change all the tracks in TS12 to something that will show in TANE, then use the "replace assets". But not so fast... I use extensively the HOTT turnouts showing movable points, invisible track and all that. Hundreds of them. They show a lot of faults in TANE. Now compound the problem to the fact that the signals I use also show faults. And the whole thing is a mess. For all practicality, I think I will keep my World in TS12, and some day will start something new on TANE. After all TS12 works quite nicely.