Cannot place any trackside objects.


Well-known member
I have suddenly become unable to place any trackside objects. Everytime I try I get this message:

And this is with all track types and on all routes.
Close Trainz.

Open Content Manager.

Search for Track splines

Installed True.
Built-in False.

Open the tracks for editing. If you have a lot do them in bunches.

Once opened, wait a minute, the submit the assets.

This will reset the tracks into tracks and allow you to place trackside objects again.

This is a known problem and N3V is aware of the issue. It has something to do with a glitch in assets.tdx.
That fix didn't work for me, John. I've tried it three times and still get the error. What's really strange is that the editing session was going along just fine. I had placed several "crossing boards" as track objects and had moved on to another grade crossing. This time (same track - only about half a mile farther down) I got the buzzer and the error. There were no intervening track vertices between the two placings, yet one didn't fail and next did. From that point on, wherever I tried to place anything, the buzzer sounded.

That fix didn't work for me, John. I've tried it three times and still get the error. What's really strange is that the editing session was going along just fine. I had placed several "crossing boards" as track objects and had moved on to another grade crossing. This time (same track - only about half a mile farther down) I got the buzzer and the error. There were no intervening track vertices between the two placings, yet one didn't fail and next did. From that point on, wherever I tried to place anything, the buzzer sounded.

Hi Bill,

I have come across some tracks recently myself that required exporting them to a CDP, deleting them and then reinstalling from the CDP. The alternative, if they're from the DLS is to download them again.