Cannot access download station


New member
Suddenly I am no longer able to access the DLS. It says my password is incorrect, but I can access the forum and look at my profile.

So what gives ???

Hi Bill,

That's a weird one. The only thing I can suggest is delete your password then re-enter it and try again.

Can others click on some of the "View packs" and let me no if gives a "no packs found" come up please? I attempted to download a car (that's a car, not car as in carriage!) of around 510Kb, took several minutes to start the download, yet the Download Helper gave several messages that the download failed.
Yep, view pack works for me ok. what's the kuid, I'll try it.
Red_Rattler said:
For me it is/was any KUID with a pack attached.
Anyone want a "wheelless" Austin car? :o - gee an item of 500Kb or so turned out to be a whopping 6MB! I'll have more to say about that later in another thread.
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I've had the same thing happening on some of the latest stuff. E.g. Rock Splines I can't remember the Kuid no. or the user name. Houses by "domsarto", Kuid 342053:25105. I had to down-load them one at a time and not as a pack.
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I've had the same thing happening on some of the latest stuff. E.g. Rock Splines I can't remember the Kuid no. or the user name. Houses by "domsarto", Kuid 342053:25105. I had to down-load them one at a time and not as a pack.

Hi Stationbeem,

You are right there, although domsarto's content has a "view pack" button nothing shows in a pack. I have noticed this happen sometimes with other content but just assumed the pack had not been uploaded properly.
