Can people reduce their images if they are large in size (Kb or MB wise)


Since 09 May 2003
Recently I have noticed a number of pictures &/or screen shots that are almost 2MB in size. At this size it could take around 20 to 30 minutes to show in full. If you have say 5 pictures of that size in one thread, could you imagine how long it would take? I would give up. Remember their are still people with slow connections &/or on dial-up for various reasons.

Before people upload pictures &/or screenshots (especially in the .jpg or /.bmp formats) can they check on their hard disk to see how many MB or Kb it is. If they are say around 1,600,000 Kb, you can still get a good screenshot if it is around 10 times lower at 160,000Kb. If they are very large, their are ways to compress to make them more user friendly.

Also the extensions .JPG or.GIF are more suitable for the internet.

For those that may not know, most programs would probably come with an option to "Save for Web" (or similar wording)
I wholeheartedly agree Red Rattler, however, it's possible that some newbies to our forum are unaware of this item in the Auran Code of Conduct :-

Posting of images, signature banners and avatars are subject to the Appropriate Content Guidelines and the following conditions:
  • Screen shots posted to the Trainz Community Discussion Forums should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 800x600 pixels*. Any screen shots that exceed this limit will be modified to links or removed from the post altogether.

    *The only exception to this is within the Screenshot forum. Screen shots posted to the Screenshot forum should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 1600x1200 pixels, however, if your screen shot exceeds 800x600 you are required to include the maximum resolution used in the title of the thread.
  • Signature banners may not cover an area greater than 800 pixels in width, 100 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb.
  • Forum avatars submitted for inclusion to the selection pool must not exceed 204 pixels in width, 30 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 3kb.
When posting screenshots, signatures and banners please give consideration to those users with slower internet connection speeds. Content which falls outside these guidelines may be removed at the sole discretion of Auran and its appointed moderators and representatives.

To be fair, I may have been guilty of submitting larger format screenies exceeding 800x600 in the past, so I will apologise to everyone now with slower connections, sorry....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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I agree with you, its getting a bit over the top, I reported a sig today because it was over 750 kB in size :eek: I can get a 1680x1050 screen shot a LOT less than that and it still be a decent pic.

Cheers David

Edit, make that two :O
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Ex railwayman, I'm really refering to how many Kb/MB an image is, although dimensions do play a part to.

Ex-railwayman said:
I wholeheartedly agree Red Rattler, however, it's possible that some newbies to our forum are unaware of this item in the Auran Code of Conduct :-
If people are new, wouldn't you expect them to read these first, or at least search for them? Perhaps an idea is when people sign up to the forums, is to put a link to the CoC on the registration page, but it maybe be their already.

When people take a screenshot in Trainz, and then convert it to .jpg, the size ends up anywhere between around the 80 - 160Kb mark, and still a good quality picture to post, but if the s/shots are converted to a .png extension without compression them, they become "sumo-sized" images.
  • Screen shots posted to the Trainz Community Discussion Forums should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 800x600 pixels*. Any screen shots that exceed this limit will be modified to links or removed from the post altogether.

*The only exception to this is within the Screenshot forum. Screen shots posted to the Screenshot forum should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 1600x1200 pixels, however, if your screen shot exceeds 800x600 you are required to include the maximum resolution used in the title of the thread.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but look carefully.
Is there a file size limit? A format limit? Note it says should be in .jpg format.

If they wish to post a screenshot, uncompressed at 1600x1200, in the forum rules, they are legally allowed to, at the annoyance to other members. I agree, this should be restricted, because even on my fast internet connection that is 6mb/s, it still struggles with huge images. Even the internet at college struggles with file sizes that are large.
because even on my fast internet connection that is 6mb/s, it still struggles with huge images. Even the internet at college struggles with file sizes that are large.
Well 6mb/s isn't really a fast internet by todays standards. I get 54 mb/s and there are many people out there that have even faster connections simply because of where they are in the house compared to the router.
Use Imageshack for your screenshot/avatar host and post only Thumbnails (160x120) which will link to Imageshack and expand to full size when clicked. This will save load time and bandwidth on this site.
Hey where are the screen shots in this thread?:hehe:

I'd like to see the 2mb screen shot.:cool:

I had dial-up internet service from 1992 - 2007 and I learned patience. I got DLS last year and it really improved my internet experience.
Use Imageshack for your screenshot/avatar host and post only Thumbnails (160x120) which will link to Imageshack and expand to full size when clicked. This will save load time and bandwidth on this site.

I hate ImageShack links, all they bring are pop-ups and yes, I do have a pop-up blocker !

Well 6mb/s isn't really a fast internet by todays standards. I get 54 mb/s and there are many people out there that have even faster connections simply because of where they are in the house compared to the router.

"Todays standards". Not all of us have the funds/equipment to have 54mb/s mate. Think of it like Europe vs. The Third World

We have fancy electric locos, while the poorer third world nations still run delapidated steamers. Lifes a *****.

I hate ImageShack links, all they bring are pop-ups and yes, I do have a pop-up blocker !

"Todays standards". Not all of us have the funds/equipment to have 54mb/s mate. Think of it like Europe vs. The Third World

We have fancy electric locos, while the poorer third world nations still run delapidated steamers. Lifes a *****.

Yes imageshack does bring a lot of pop ups even if you have a pop up blocker.

I know what you mean by that,I was in that postition once,but I'm simply saying that by today's standards 6mb/s is nothing. That was all I meant by that. I had dial up for the longest time,so I know how it feels to have 50 pics that are 2MBs each.
And I'm not even rich,my family is lucky we get the damn bills paid on time.That would be why I'm always out working my behind off at work to try and earn some extra cash to keep our head above water.The only reason we have computers,internet etc is because in today's world technology is essential just tog et a decent education these days
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@ Gangsta_Boi, with image shack what the poster needs to do is link directly to the image then there are no pop-ups, that means they would have to save a small version of the screenshot and upload that too, then in the post embed the small pic and just put the direct link in for the screenshot.
Next time you see one of imageshacks useless (to small) thumbnails try suggesting the above to the poster.

Cheers David
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First Gangsta_Boi, you're a Screnshot runner up???

Althought this thread was not suppose to be about pop ups (especially Imageshack), pop up blockers don't work, and yesterday one their pop ups automatically opened up without any interference from us, and it would'nt let us close the browser.

Back on topic,
sethmcs said:
I'd like to see the 2mb screen shot.
So you would rather inconvience others so you can view such large images?

Large size images can actually affect Australian broadband users too, as all Australian internet companies (ISP) have a GB (& some even a MB) limits per month, where if you go over the set total, Australian ISPs either slow your connection down to dial-up speed, or the user pays the extra - per Kb or MB, depending on how the ISP sets the plan up.
The plans that do allow unlimited usage can be anywhere around the $A100 plus - a month (currently about $US90, £UK43, €58)!
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Back on topic,
So you would rather inconvience others so you can view such large images?

Large size images can actually affect Australian broadband users too, as all Australian internet companies (ISP) have a GB (& some even a MB) limits per month, where if you go over the set total, Australian ISPs either slow your connection down to dial-up speed, or the user pays the extra - per Kb or MB, depending on how the ISP sets the plan up.
The plans that do allow unlimited usage can be anywhere around the $A100 plus - a month (currently about $US90, £UK43, €58)!

Wow! That sounds like a business opportunity! Apparently the internet market in Australia is not matured yet. The cost will come down in time and the bandwith will go up unless there is some stupid regulation preventing the market from working. In the early 1990's I paid sometimes over $100.00 US a month for exceeding usage limits from my ISP. Today I pay $17.99 US a month for unlimited access DLS. I sincerely hope that your internet service improves and renders this issue moot in the near future.:D
What was not mentioned yet: Many of us have screens that are not Cinemascope-format (mine is 1200something wide). So I can not see the mega-photos in one piece - have to push them left/right, up/down. That is not fun. Effect: I just do not look at them.
The quickest fix for faster screenshot downloads is to change the resolution from the default 200dpi to 76dpi. Since you need to load the tga screenie into a graphics program to convert it to jpg, it is only a couple more mouse clicks to change the resolution....

@ RedRattler - unlimitted 512ADSL under $40 per month, do you want a link??

Andy :)
Yes imageshack does bring a lot of pop ups even if you have a pop up blocker.

I've found that if you add * and * to your restricted sites you don't get pop-ups appearing when you click on a thumbnail link (I'm using IE7).

If you go to your Internet Settings, Security, select Restricted Sites and click 'Sites', you can then type in the addresses of sites that are giving you problems. Using the asterisk as a wildcard means that IE7 will restrict any of imageshack's servers.

If you post images using Imageshack (I don't) you may find that this could affect your ability to upload to them, but if you only browse other people's shots then it might be of interest.

The quickest fix for faster screenshot downloads is to change the resolution from the default 200dpi to 76dpi. Since you need to load the tga screenie into a graphics program to convert it to jpg, it is only a couple more mouse clicks to change the resolution....

@ RedRattler - unlimitted 512ADSL under $40 per month, do you want a link??

Andy :)

dpi has nothing to do with file size, that is a setting for printing only.

At the rest, how hard is it to move a slider option when saving the .jpg or .png

Cheers David