Can locomotives etc be changed in exsiting sessions?


New member
Can locomotives etc be changed in exsisting sessions?
If so how?
As i have the West Somerset railway addon for trainz.
I want to change some on the included locomotives and rolling stock used in sessions for ones on the DLS.
Can locomotives etc be changed in exsisting sessions?
If so how?
As i have the West Somerset railway addon for trainz.
I want to change some on the included locomotives and rolling stock used in sessions for ones on the DLS.

Yes, load the session in surveyor, last tab on the right, select loco, and off you go!
Can locomotives etc be changed in exsisting sessions?
If so how?
As i have the West Somerset railway addon for trainz.
I want to change some on the included locomotives and rolling stock used in sessions for ones on the DLS.

Although on another route, I am running into an issue with this, too, and so far, my experience seems to be that as long as you have not loaded the session in Driver and saved it with the same name, thus overwriting the seesion saved with surveyor, you can load it in surveyor and change certain types of content. I have not found a way to save a session in Driver, and open it in surveyor.

I would personally like to see a means by which one could edit any session, whether saved from driver, or from surveyor, to change not only locomotives, but also equipment (say to add, change, or delete) and equipment status (fix derailments, change loads to empty, and vice versa, &c.).
