Can I use TRS 2004 objects in TRS 2006. HELP!!


New member
Using the download station can I use objects made for TRS2004 in TRS 2006..
Also what other objects are compaitable IE Trainz Classics, Trainz, UTC ect
Any help would be great.

im not sure how but yes they are compatable Ya'll need a vet for the rest keep trying!
Items in made in TRS2004, UTC, SP3, and Trainz are all compatible with TRS2006. Trainz Classics is not as it is newer than TRS2006 and Trainz does not have forward-compatibility.
If I might add. Theoretically yes but many TRS2004 items will need tweeking to their config files minor errors that made it thru TRS2004 won't work so well in TRS2006 and worse in Classics.