Can I get some help with TRS2006 SP1?


New member
My SP1 isn't installing. I have downloaded it from Auran, but it will not install to TRS2006. I am running Vista, but SP1 has always worked until now. Whenever I click on SP1 to install it, the file that it is kept in freezes. If I find it in the Start menu, the start menu freezes. Please help.
Jaguar Xj13 Picture
Last edited:
The patch may not be complete. How many bytes on disc does it say in "properties" ??

Also, "always worked until now" does it mean you had it under XP before ??

Is the install made per instruction? On a fresh 2006, not opened before patching?
Here are the instructions for loading SP1

This may be different on Vista....please search or check elsewhere on the forums for Vista help.

PLEASE NOTE: This service pack is for TRS2006 version 2.5, build 2761 only. Please see the Release Notes later in this bulletin.

You will find a guide on installing Service Pack 1 along with our recommendations on how to apply it below. Following is a list of items addressed by SP1 and the accompanying release notes.

Service Pack 1 will be available on CD for the cost of postage and handling in a few weeks time. Pre orders can be made at the Auran Shop now. All pre orders will be charged to your credit card or PayPal account at the time you place your pre order.


-The Monorail Project is included with SP1. Check the Extras link in the TRS2006 launcher menu. Please check the Downloads Link on the TRS2006 Website for more information at >Downloads >Monorail Project

-It is now possible to use CMP to suppress the warning which appears when loading maps with missing dependencies.
-The validation template for error reporting has been updated to support more tags.
-Improved communication from CMP.
-Added CMP view description/thumbnail on DLS content.
-Added “Autosave” feature to Surveyor - configurable in CMP.
-Added option to view an asset's summary info using CMP.
-Added option to disable rail joint noise.
-CDP exported from CMP now compatible with Content Dispatcher
-Add all local dependencies tab functionality fixed in CMP
-Editing folder clean-up on starting CMP
-Added optional “No Update” parameter for CMP so it does not attempt to retrieve updates
-Issues with the CMP "launch Trainz" function fixed.
-You can now use CMP to view a config on non protected items without opening for edit
-Refresh pane button has been added to CMP.
-A kind filter has been added to the kuid browser for CCP
-CCP "edit" feature when creating a texture now allows the external application to save.
-TrainzUtil issues have been fixed.
-Trainzmap fully supported and V1.0 installer is included in "Extras" folder
-GSE issues have been corrected
-Session Rules Guide added to Extras folder
-Restored uncouple message that some rolling stock relied upon for coupler animations.
-Loading a map with a missing skybox no longer produces display errors.
-Minimap camera/consist selection issue fixed.
-Consist bar has been fixed so that you can use it to re-arrange vehicles in a consist for saving.
-Buffer stops and other 'rail-end' assets will once again stop slow moving vehicles.
-Rippling water effect is once again functioning under OpenGL on ATI cards.
-Clicking on a signal message will teleport you to the cause.
-Keywords can be backed up and restored.
-iPortal train-control on receiving map fixed.
-Some graphical artifacts in built-in content fixed.
-Fixed time settings for Mag-Lev-delayed session.
-Better support for .lm.txt in CCP
-trainzutil can now export from a config file without opening it for edit
-Some small improvements made to sound and particle systems


We recommend reading and following the Installation Guide at the end of these notes.
Installation will appear to pause at approximately 12-14% for a substantial amount of time. Please be patient as this is to be expected. The complete installation can take up to 45 minutes or longer depending on your system specifications.
Defragging of your HDD following the application of this patch is also recommended.

Content Manager Plus:
The auto save setting for Surveyor waits for your first save and then overwrites at the interval prescribed in CMP/Settings.

If you choose to disable the Trainz error screen for missing dependancies, it can be restored at any time in CMP settings.

"View Config" and "View mesh technical details" are dependant on permissions set in the content. For this reason there will be occasions when no useful data is returned.

"View mesh technical details" will not return any useful information on aliased items or items which do not reference a mesh.

Exiting from CMP while downloading an asset from the Download Station, then attempting to launch CMP and continue to downlowd will result in the message, "Server Full." This is due to the fact that your original FTP session is still active and you will need to wait for it to time out, approx. 1 minute.

To disable the rail joint (clickety clack) sound add the following to trainzoptions.txt


If a route is opened for editing in Surveyor after having been sent to TrainzMap, the two programs are using *two different copies* of the route and no change on one side will be effected on the other. Also when a route is opened in "read-only mode" no changes will be saved. A warning is displayed when this is the case.

The "exit to Trainz" command is for when Trainz isn't already running. If you start Trainzmap from within Trainz, you need only alt+tab to switch back to Trainz.

Please refer to the installation guide in the next post.
