Calling For Detroit/ Toledo Trainzers Here!


Michigan Trainz
Who here from the Detroit and Toledo regions and have AIM/ MSN Messenger that would like to assist me for information, photos, etc. to help me with my future Michigan and Ohio routes such as the Conrail Lincoln Secondary and the NS Lake Division? -Chris
Might be able to help


Usually when I go back to Toledo, I'm pretty involved visiting Mom. But we do get around town a bit. I wouldn't have time to take a series of pictures ala a serious railfan, but if there's a couple places of particular interest (e.g. Central Union Terminal, Wallbridge Yard, etc.) I might be able to justify taking a shot or two...

-- Russ.
There and back...


I tried sending you a private email telling you that I was going to Toledo this weekend. Perhaps the function didn't work, or maybe you were unable to get back to me in time. I didn't take any pictures, as I didn't know what you needed.

Here was something I check out, though.
We went to the Lime City Road crossing of the CSX in Rossford. When I was 12, I rode across it and there were 12 tracks at the time. When my parents learned about it, I was in big trouble. Today, there is only one track.

We also went to Oakdale and Broadway, where I remember a partial roundhouse. The roundhouse is gone. There is still a small yard there, but all the tracks end at Oakdale. They don't cross anymore. The yard is not abandoned though. The rails were shiny and the ballast was new, and a couple engines were sitting there idling.

And, of course, the Bluebird was going in and out of Waterville on the old N&W all weekend -- two blocks from where Mom now lives.

