There and back...
I tried sending you a private email telling you that I was going to Toledo this weekend. Perhaps the function didn't work, or maybe you were unable to get back to me in time. I didn't take any pictures, as I didn't know what you needed.
Here was something I check out, though.
We went to the Lime City Road crossing of the CSX in Rossford. When I was 12, I rode across it and there were 12 tracks at the time. When my parents learned about it, I was in big trouble. Today, there is only one track.
We also went to Oakdale and Broadway, where I remember a partial roundhouse. The roundhouse is gone. There is still a small yard there, but all the tracks end at Oakdale. They don't cross anymore. The yard is not abandoned though. The rails were shiny and the ballast was new, and a couple engines were sitting there idling.
And, of course, the Bluebird was going in and out of Waterville on the old N&W all weekend -- two blocks from where Mom now lives.