Buildings be replaced with railroad crossings?



I'm gonna be honest with you guys. When I opened a route I was working on and saw a bunch of railroad crossing devices where other buildings were supposed to be, I thought I had finally lost it. I call my sister into the room and she confirmed that we were in fact looking at a bunch of railroad crossing devices that I didn't put there.

This glitched started off small. One train station building was replaced by a railroad crossing device. I found the station that was supposed to go there, used the "replace asset with selected" tool and placed the station back thinking, "that was weird..." One day later, pretty much every building is now a railroad crossing.

This glitch started after adding five ATLS crossings to the route, but the crossings that are replacing the buildings do not match any of the crossings I place down, and the buildings are all being replaced with the exact same crossing device.
I think you have Gremlins in your machine @janathan !

That is weird. Try running a database repair. If that doesn't work, try an EDBR by pressing the CTRL-key while choosing Rebuild database.

The only time I've seen that occur was with a single object being replaced by another but not every scenery type object being replaced like this. The issue was caused by the content-creator transposing two numbers in a kuid he typed in the obsolete-table. This transposition of a 6 and 8 caused factories to be replaced by a canal lock.
Report it directly to N3V via their ticket system. A reinstall of your previous version may be a possible fix.
Knowledgeable people here can guide you.

There is a valid saying that "curiosity killed the cat". It remains valid to this day thanks to N3V.
I'm not sure how to do that. It keeps taking me to a generic screen where I can search the knowledgebase for generic articles, none of which are likely to have anything to do with this specific glitch.
I'm not sure how to do that. It keeps taking me to a generic screen where I can search the knowledgebase for generic articles, none of which are likely to have anything to do with this specific glitch.
I reported the bug, but by the time they get back with me, I could've already re-replace all the buildings. At this rate, I'm thinking of restoring an older version of the route, but I can't find the editing folder for it.
A closer look reveals that apparently, the game hasn't been saving any backup data of the route. There's no .tzarc file in the folder.
A closer look reveals that apparently, the game hasn't been saving any backup data of the route. There's no .tzarc file in the folder.
There should be in the date-folders. I tested that and found routes and assets I had modified or updated.
You need to "COPY" the .tzarc file into the editing folder then do a data base repair. Make sure you remove the numbers after the .tzarc in the file name in the editing folder. You will get a notification of some sort, just click ok, then do the data base repair.

Success! The oldest archive I had of this route was the only one that wasn't corrupted. Seeing how there is only one railroad crossing at this point, I know that at the very least, that one didn't cause the glitch. The other crossings I used were <kuid2:39134:102410:1>, <kuid:95230:104966>, and several TRC crossings. I don't think either of these are responsible for the glitch because the one replacing all of those buildings was a completely different one than any of the ones I was using, plus I've used them on other route without issue. I've even tested the same crossings on different routes without issue. I'm still not sure what caused this glitch.