British Rail "barrier" wagon


New member
Dear All, It's always been standard practice on British Rail to have on PetroChemical freight trains a small flat barrier wagon between the locomotive and the first tanker. I cannot seem to find anything suitable on the DLS about 15-20ft long that I could use. I have been using a 50ft American flatcar, but it doesn't look authentic enough on a British or European layout, does anyone have any ideas at all please ??

Thanks in advance.

try this

looking at pictures of the south of england I think they just tended to use a couple of 3-plank wagons even in the steam days other than that Not sure as you say there is nothing I know about in the DLS.

hope this helps:D
The current Barrier wagon here in the UK is a KBA/TTA Tank wagon, painted light grey with a yellow frame, green axle caps, black under-frame and black 'BARRIER WAGON' text on the side.
I read somewhere that the common method of working Black Oil Tankers was to place a White Tanker as a barrier wagon between the train and the loco, although I can"t remember the rationale.However, looking at old 1970s photos of oil trains they DID have a White tanker next to the loco.:cool:
Thanks a lot for your help guys, I have downloaded the WL&G, Hot Metal Spacer Flatcar and Paul Hobb's Conflat, so I now have 2 types of "barrier wagon" I can use to great effect.

Cheers. ex-railwayman.