British narrow gauge locos


Suffering for his art.
Does anyone know of any good UK narrow gauge loco sites for trs 2004. I'm starting a layout with both narrow and standard gauge lines. I've been through the download station but can't seem to find many.

Thanks Andy
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Does anyone know of any good UK narrow gauge loco sites for trs 2004. I'm starting a layout with both narrow and standard gauge lines. I've been through the download station but can't seem to find many.

Thanks Andy

Hi, I Strongly Reccommend These Sites

If Any Help Needed Just Sens Message

Thanks again.... this thread takes me back *sigh - the memories* I was 29 when I started this thread :hehe::hehe:



Btw - My fantasy Port Vale (I know its a lame pun lol) 2ft route is still going but has been side-lined....