Bringing the Newberry RR back to life...


New member
After spending weeks downloading on my FCT it was coming to an end. I couldn't decide what to download, then i remembered my old Newberry RR on the DLS (also called hgihland Pro, why i named it that, IDK). I downloaded it and....

I must say it was bad. Track was kinked in spot or out of alignment when it came to platforms. I decided that I could do better then that, and i started a re-make. This is the thread for the origonal Newberry RR

Here are some pictures of the NEW Newberry RR (NOTE: I know this one is still at the bottom in detail wise, V3 will be MUCH better.)


A Class 124 sits at the readytrack in the waterberry yards (i removed the origonal train cleaner and strightened some of the track)

Rolling On out, passing the Engine depot and the new cow pasture.

Welcome to the city of Waterberry!

Hard to tell how many people travel by rail today

Leaving the city behind.
part 2

Exiting the tunnel leading out of Waterberry

The New Middleton state forest station


2 views of the larger lake

Approaching Newberry
Part 3

I removed the old Newberry roundhouse because it made no sense to have 2 on a map this size

pulling in

The yard

Looking towards the future expansion

Thanks for reading.

I 'll have a poll up soon
ok, i have a few questions or the readers.

1. should i release V2 (current) or wait until V3 comes out?

2. what major scenenry improvments could be made to the route?

3. for us people who still use it, should i make this into a U-make module (corner piece)

4. should i keep the 3rd station track in waterberry or should i remove it and extend the city into that spot?


Hang in there, Jimmy. Sometimes it takes a little while for the forum to show interest. If you want my opinion, I think the first thing you should do is replace that off-putting default track with something more realistic. Then you will probably find more people showing an interest. You could also do with darker shade under those trees.

The route looks great, but perhaps you could include a cluster of houses near Waterberry station.

Best wishes,
I think the first thing you should do is replace that off-putting default track with something more realistic.
Ya, that track does look kinda tacky. (I think I'll go with that AJS track and the movable junctions)

You could also do with darker shade under those trees
will do, the entire map could use some new textures.

The route looks great, but perhaps you could include a cluster of houses near Waterberry station.
Ok, you mean in the empty space next to the constuction site?

Change of plans.. I'll release V2 today, V3 will be the updated route i'll realease from the sugestions, and V4 will be an entire redo, starting from scratch.
i see only 2 downloads.....

but thats all i expected with V2 anywhey.......

Ok, I took padsters ideas, and here is Whats done on V3 so far

1. all track has been replaced with AJS track (can't seem to get the animated junctions to work though :( )

2. the origonal station at Waterberry has been ripped out and a new AJS one is in place (this route seems to be taking a european approach now...) and its now 2 tracks instead of 3. A bridge has replaced the grade crossing.

3. a houseing development has replaced the skyscrapper under consturction in watterberry.

4. A new AJS tunnel has been installed replaceing the default one.

5. Tons of new trees have been planted ( still all of one kind though, but thats gunna be fixed real quick now)

6. the corner by middleton has been replaced making it appear more realistic.

7. a abandon castle has been added to the hill looking over the lake, it has been named "King Georges Castle" after my dad, who passed away in March of 2007

8. I ripped out the yard in Newberry, now that area is heavily overgrown with what remains of the track leading towards it.

What remains to do i V3 (still need these suggestiong guys, keep em coming)

1. finish the housing development in watterberry

2. add grass and other 3d effects around the tracks.

3. create a diversity of trees to resolve that unifrom look.

4. add some buildings around the newberry area to make it look like a town.

5. add more textures.

Ok, I also revived a route i started awhile ago, its called queensland right now but that could soon change, to me its my most detailed route ever. I'll post some pictures in a little bit, if anybody wants I could make it an extension of the newberry RR to finish the branch section.

I might in due time create another extension of the newberry RR out of the tunnel next to watterberry that will run to a junction with another railroad.

As seeing how newberry RR is now more a UK themed and that the extension i have made ^ is austrailian, i think i'll make each extension based on a differn't country (hows that sound?) to create a global experiance.
before anybody says back from the dead (thats what i'm trying to do)

Could somebody do me a favor. Download V2 and see if when you install it does it say "Warning: Skipped asset 'Niles Hinton and Winchester 06' because it is already installed." (Nevermind this, for some reason it saved a session i made under this kuid, i simply changed the kuid on the session)

That is not one of my routes yet the kuids seem to be the same. I only need one person to do this. V3.1 is on the table now.
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I recommend adding STD.TRACK low to your line, it is very realist lowpoly track...I use it on my layouts...It is very interesting to see some English stuff once in awhile. PM me sometime, its been awhile.