Bridge Abutments


Get over it
In a previous thread there was a tip suggesting that most bridges rest on abutments at both ends not just on mother earth. Got me thinking about the bridges on my routes but I can't find any on the dls. I searched under bridge abutments, abutments and supports. Would someone please point me in the right direction. Thank you.
Thankz for the replys. Abutment is spelled with one t but never thought to look for "bridge ends". That's where they were and yes they are a default item, I had them disabled. They are made by josefpav, kuid:46162 are are just what I'm looking for.
If you search "Embankment" there are a couple of abutments which snap onto the track.Akso in "Tips And Tricks Surveyor" I showed how to extend builtin bridges to make them more convincing.
So you're the one who's responsible for me having to fix ALL my bridges on ALL on my routes. I have to admit that it does look better and I will check out "embankments" and the "Tips and Tricks" Thread. Thankz, I think.
Hey Lewisner, I checked out embankment and embankments but didn't find what you described. Do you have the kuids of these embankments?
Hi stout, sorry to have caused you so much work lol.Unfortunately I seem to have wrecked my PC and I am currently using my old PC but TRS2006 won't install on it, so I can't find the kuids but I will have a look at the DLS later this morning...:cool:
stout, its "Embankment End" KUID 32105:29017:1 Its important to remember to tick all the boxes (trainz, pre SP3 etc.,) when searching for content on the DLS otherwise you only get content added AFTER that edition of Trainz went on sale.Also if you have time search Username "gerd" - he has some superb bridge splines and piers among his earliest work but they are listed under German names so you wouldn't normall see them.BTW if its any consolation I have changed/rebuilt EVERY bridge on my route about 5 times....:'( PS also search Title "FMA"