Brain Training For An Oldie


New member
It is said that the only way to avoid the brain from degenerating in old age is to give it plenty of work to do. In the same way that muscles need constant use in order to remain efficient.

I am 75, and I believe that wrestling with the many problems that arise while using Surveyor is probably equal, if not superior, to any other form of brain training that I have ever encountered!

Sometimes I think that Trainz is brain straining - not brain training!

But whichever it is - I'm hooked!

Nice to hear that you are enjoying Trainz!

Long may trainz live!
Long may trainz live!
Long may trainz live!

Sorry, got a bit carried away...:hehe:
:) Thataboy!

I'm 70 and have been with Trainz since it came out. It's a GREAT way to keep those gray cells acookin'. Welcome!