I was disappointed today, after paying for the dlc session Newcastle Shunting to discover that the class 08 used for the scenario is not only an ancient loco bur more importantly features an equally ancient SW7 interior.
Seriously, what the fruit?
So, is there any class 08 out there with a proper interior? Freeware or Payware either way, I could then assign it to the one in the session and not see no hood on the hood end, and an SW7 hood on the no hood end (yeah, it's also backwards)...
Seriously, what the fruit?
So, is there any class 08 out there with a proper interior? Freeware or Payware either way, I could then assign it to the one in the session and not see no hood on the hood end, and an SW7 hood on the no hood end (yeah, it's also backwards)...