Bogies Needed For TRS2006


New member
Hey People What Are The Needed Bogies For TRS2006 Downloads
ASHAN recomened I download :

sd40f_bogey.cdp & sd40r_bogey.cdp (TPR )

Are these the nessesary to download IDK
A metra Train or A Genesis?:D

Something like this:


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I agree with AHSAN. I was hoping someone would point this out.

The thing I find so baffling about this situation is that the person in question has made no effort to hide his identity. He's asked the same questions again and again, even referencing his previous threads!

Apparently, the word "banned" isn't quite clear enough for some people. I hope there is something more that the mods can do.

@Youngballer, you'll be needing a new username soon, can I suggest 'iamaprat'? If that one is taken I can think of some more for you.
