Bluestar problems in 2004 SP4

I've downloaded a number of Bluestar/Couplestar wagons, and only one seems to work properly: the 20 ton CAR brakevan.

Others have no visible couplings, or if they do, they don't animate; the same with vacuum pipes.

I know I'm missing <kuid2:2512:22:1> and <kuid2:2512:23:1>, the 3 link standard chain coupling. I'm pretty sure I have everything else - screw couplings, instanter, vacuum, air pipes etc, and the scripts. The two KUIDs in question don't appear to be on the DLS.

When I change a 3 link reference to an instanter or screwlink reference in a wagon's config, I sometimes see the coupling, and sometimes not. When I see it, sometimes it will animate and sometimes not.

Also, TRS2004 complains that the route has assets missing when one of these Bluestar wagons is placed in the route, even if I have made it work.

I suspect that I still am missing something...

Any advice welcomed!

A possible solution

If you do a search for Bluestar you'll possibly find a reference to, who have Bluestar coupler packs 1 and 2 (Click on the Brighton Terrier Loco to see the packs)

If you install these things should be better.

Partial success!

Well, more wagons now work than before, and I have 3 link couplings.

Why didn't I think of that!

There are still one or two wagons that are misbehaving; probably bad configs, or gs files???
