bluestar couplelings


Trainz operator
I'm making a locomotive with bluestar couplings

I was just wondering about the position of all the parts that make up the class 37's coupling set.
I'm wondering Where the animated couplings would go on a locomotive. (I would like the extra pipes which are used to connect two locomotives together on my locomotive as well.)
If you mean where do you put the attachment points then a.couple0 is on the face of the front buffer beam at z=0 and a.couple1 is on the face of the rear beam, also at z=0. TC3 provides plenty of examples of configs and scripts including BlueStar (actually ACS these days) mounted on bogies (the Class 40).

thanks. I was meaning the X axis as well as Z. If X=0 was the centre of the vehicle where would the attachment points go on the X axis?

ACS? would the class 37s on the DLS (which has got bluestar couplelings) work with the ACS System?

I always hated that new automatic coupling system because i thought that none of the other vehicles worked with it. and so the content that had acs couplings was rendered useless.

EDIT: guess I should prepare for the new system.
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If you mean where do you put the attachment points then a.couple0 is on the face of the front buffer beam at z=0 and a.couple1 is on the face of the rear beam, also at z=0. TC3 provides plenty of examples of configs and scripts including BlueStar (actually ACS these days) mounted on bogies (the Class 40).


What is the config.txt supposed to say for ACS? I still use the Bluestar entries and they work fine but cmp does flag them as errors.

Thanks John
They should do, but I would look into using ACS, its a major advancement on the old bluestar system and its written by one of the chaps who working on the old bluestar system. ACS as Paul has mentioned allows you to have coupling attachments on bogies, ideal for diesel's like the 40. It also supports, steam heat, ETH, multiple working in the correct configuration (the 37 is actually wrong for multi working). On top of all that it supports many more coupler types from the old hook and chain to the modern Delner type used on Pendolinos. On the x axis will be 0 as that is side to side. For the y axis I tend to move the attachment point around till the pipes/couplers will match up with another vehicle type. I do think their is a standard distance though for the y axis distance from the a.lim attachment points.

thanks. I was meaning the X axis as well as Z. If X=0 was the centre of the vehicle where would the attachment points go on the X axis?

ACS? would the class 37s on the DLS (which has got bluestar couplelings) work with the ACS System?

I always hated that new automatic coupling system because i thought that none of the other vehicles worked with it. and so the content that had acs couplings was rendered useless.
Both points are at x=0. ACS works with BlueStar and CoupleStar vehicles but has more possibilities (ACS is actually BlueStar 2). The coupler points must be 0.46m from the a.limfront and a.limback points.

If I were you I'd find out about a new system before hating it in the future.

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What is the config.txt supposed to say for ACS? I still use the Bluestar entries and they work fine but cmp does flag them as errors.
A complete ACS config is quite complex but I'll post one if you don't have TC3 yet. ACS vehicles still need the old BlueStar tags to work properly though.

Does anyone know if there any plans to release the ACSLib via the dls for versions pre-TC3- or is it already there under another name?

If I were you I'd find out about a new system before hating it in the future.

Well. I have researched the ACS coupling when it first came out (the website was a UK trainz website).
But when I tried using bloodnok's MK3 coaches the bluestar coupling on the locomotive pulling them (which was a class 37) the couplings on the MK3 coaches didn't meet up with the already deployed class 37's brake pipe.

So the class 37 brake pipe was hanging in mid air while the Mk3 coach's pipes where stowed.

I feel that the flexability doesn't matter so long as you've got something to use it with.
Ben1337, of curiosity, have you got a screenshot of the loco you have created? I'd be interested to see it. Plus if you want, you can create a render and upload it to this thread:
I have got the picture of it and I had posted the picture on the thread which you had suggested.

Hope you enjoy looking at it. Because it still has a lot of work to be done. but the hardest part is going to be the texturing.

and it is going to have the couplings that I asked for the dimensions of on this thread.
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Does anyone know if there any plans to release the ACSLib via the dls for versions pre-TC3- or is it already there under another name?
The ACSLib is available on Bloodnok's site (vsr), but I'm not sure that is the latest version as included in TC3, I'll have to check.

If TC3 had got a more modern version. will his MK3 carriages be compatible?
You'll have to ask Bloodnok that, but the latest changes to ACSLib were about adding features and improving performance so older stock should still work. For the terminally confused there is (AFAIK) only one standard for working couplings and that is BlueStar. BlueStar, CoupleStar and ACS are different implementations of this standard, ACS having more features but still compatible with the others.

hmmm. that's interesting.

I might have to download some content to see if it does work.


The transition from bluestar to ACS starts.

P.S. (off topic) on the trainz classics site you got the rolling stock named "BR 'Presflo'" and "10T Meat van" names mixed up with the pictures.
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