Blowing off steam...

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Steam Junkie
I blew off some steam this spring, and I admit it was wrong to do it in this forum, the reason matters not, I'm sorry for doing so, and was banned, it didn't matter I burned everything trainz I owned anyway.

See I have a Irish temper and it get's me in trouble daily.

I have had time to not only reflect, work on my railroad, but also a break from trainz, will I come back? Not sure, but I'm sorry for causing trouble!!!!:o

Long live the Triplex,

Looks like your not alone. I spring up trouble everywhere I go.

Just yesterday I got a post from another fourms saying:

I'm fed up with your comments and "non-sense" sentences so I definitely quit making any further entries in this forum.
All your threads and your behaviour/comments makes me feeling sorry for all the kind people trying to give you advices, like in your thread about VB6 runtime.

@all english-speaking german users of EEP
I sincerely want to apologize about the behaviour of the above-mentionned individual.
There are plenty of english-speaking EEP/TMS users around that really enjoy EEP/TMS and would like to participate, but are afraid to do so.

Best regards and good bye

I was crying the moment he posted this. I am dumb but that doesn't mean that I don't have feelings.:'(All I want to be is as smart as the other users on the forums. But all I get is this.:'(

I think that even your situation lornyk5 is better then mine because It's like having a record inside your head saying "your stupid and you can do nothing about it ha...hahaha".:'(

I need to take some time off like you have or do something.:'(
Hey Guys

It's not a one mistake world. Maybe you could contact each other privately and get it all sorted out. Best of luck.


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